Title: Of Love and Literature - Chapter Thirteen of Thirteen - COMPLETE
Author: Star (
Rating: NC-17 (overall)
Chapter Word Count: 5,053
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine, Nick/Jeff.
Spoilers: Season 2.
Summary: When Kurt Hummel started his senior year at Dalton Academy for Boys, he expected it to be normal. He would attend class, get good grades and graduate, all while being subjected to his two best friends being absolutely smitten with each other. He didn’t expect, however, to fall in love with his English teacher.
Warnings: See
Chapter One (Full author’s note also at chapter one.)
A/N: Thank you to everyone who has read and commented so far. Thanks for sticking with me through my posting of this story. Yes, this is the last chapter, so I hope that everyone enjoys it as much as I did. ♥
Chapter One |
Chapter Two |
Chapter Three |
Chapter Four |
Chapter Five |
Chapter Six |
Chapter Seven |
Chapter Eight |
Chapter Nine |
Chapter Ten |
Chapter Eleven |
Chapter Twelve ( A moment later, the bed dipped and Finn’s face pressed against Kurt’s knees. )