Title: When the Night Feels My Song 1/1
Pairing: Rachel/Quinn
Rating: PG
Spoilers: All aired eps and preview of 2-20 with a few changes here and here to suit my purposes.
Summary: Rachel finally manages to move on from both Jesse and Finn, while making a few discoveries about herself.
Disclaimer: Not mine, but wish they were... if they were. Only borrowing to have some fun.
A/N: I know I should be working on my WiPs, but this has been brewing in my head ever since I saw the last few eps. Especially that preview for the upcoming Prom ep. This is my take on what prompted Quinn to act the way she did.
A/N 2: I'm half-asleep... but I wanted to finish and post this before the ep airs later tonight... yes, it's that late... All that to warn that this is self edited and that the lack of sleep means I probably missed a hell of a lot more typos than I normally would... I'll go over it once I've gotten some sleep and fix whatever I've missed the first run-through.
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