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Feb 23, 2012 15:31


Glee fun in a University Setting

Character Directory
Player Directory
Friending Button

Brand new game! Almost all characters available!

College for most seems to be that time that you truly find out who you are. High school memories can fade away, or perhaps they stay forever. Would you discover that you yourself were one of those kids who was a nerd in high school, but then became a diva in college? PledgeGleek is here to satisfy your Glee needs as well as allow you to play your favorite Glee stars in an older setting.

Instead of the meeting and growing together in the hallowed halls of McKinley High, your favorite characters are attending UCLA. They can pick their major, pick their clubs, and have a social life outside of school. What brings them together you may wonder? Well they’re all pledging a sorority or a fraternity which causes them to meet and work with each other on a constant basis.

How will your favorite Glee characters meet? You decide!
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