Exclusive: An interview with Naya Rivera

May 16, 2011 11:52

From afterellen.

AE: We all know that Santana is a girl who will do anything to get what she wants but it looks like she’s not going to get Brittany.
NR: Yes.

AE: How is she going to move on from that? Can she and Brittany still be friends?
NR: I feel like they still are friends and in the prom episode that just aired … that was right after she sang "Songbird" to her and continued to pour her heart out to Brittany and still didn’t get what she wanted. I think they’ll always be friends and I think that Santana values Brittany’s friendship above everything else, which is the softer side of [Santana]. I would like to see her find love outside of Brittany and I think that we had to deal with the hurt of being rejected to get to the softer side of this really hard and bitchy character.

AE: So you don’t want to see Santana play the field a little bit?
NR: I want to see her get in a relationship. I think that that’s something that hasn’t been explored. We’ve never seen her in a relationship with anybody and we’ve never really seen her give herself up and put someone else’s needs before her own and I think that would be a cool thing to explore.

AE: I personally don’t want Santana to get too soft. I like bitchy Santana, too!
NR: Oh no! Trust me, Santana will never get too soft and that’s the best thing about her. Ryan Murphy loves that she’s a raging bitch and I love the fact that she just says whatever she wants but people get it. It’s not that she’s mean for no reason. She gets what she wants.

AE: We have two episodes left in the season. What is coming up for Santana?
NR: I will say that I love the last episode because it’s that end-of-the-season thing and there’s closure with every coupling and love triangle; there’s a resolution. There’s a resolution between Brittany and Santana and you get where they stand at that point. I think it’s sweet and everyone will be happy with where they go.

AE: Are there some seeds planted for next season?
NR: Yeah, some things are open-ended and some things come to a close. As a viewer, I think everyone will be happy with where it is.

The interview is quite lengthy so read the rest of it on AFTERELLEN

Edited to add YT video of Naya hosting the GLAAD awards (since there wasn't a post about that.

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pairing: brittany/santana, media: interview (cast), news: spoilers, character: brittany pierce, episode: 2x22, character: santana lopez, actress: naya rivera

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