Glee Christmas Wish!

Dec 19, 2010 20:35

I stole this idea from the Community community, but I was wondering if there's something you guys want to see on Glee after the hiatus. Give me your Glee Christmas List!
Mine is
For Artie and Brittany to break up and Britanna to get back together again
Storylines that don't make Will Schuster look like a total douchebag
Storyline for Mercedes and Tina that DOESN'T involve dating
For Will/Sue to become canon in the series finale (they deserve each other)
Decent depictions of the female characters that don't assasinate their character or personality
Rachel to get together with Puck for more than one episode and have a close friendship afterwards
For Finn to date someone who isn't Quinn or Rachel

discussion: general, discussion: characters, discussion: speculation, discussion: pairings

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