Today, there was an absolutely amazing storm. It was even better than the
last one. I wasn’t expecting it to even rain because it’s just been so hot and muggy. But suddenly, I heard a massive rumble of thunder, so long and loud that it was almost like an explosion. There was lightning, but not as much as the other day. But the rain! It was so hard and fast, and the raindrops were huge. I went outside in exactly what I was wearing (no shoes, top that didn’t cover my arms or shoulders, and a skirt that finished at my knees) and I stood there as the rain got harder. It was so amazing. Everything smelled really fresh. It made me feel fresh as well. Like the storm was washing away some of the nasty thoughts which had gathered in my head previously. I quickly got so wet that my clothes were clinging to my skin, but I stayed outside because it felt incredible to just dance in the rain and watch the lightning. I felt like singing, but I’m sure that the neighbours were already watching and thinking that I’m insane. I came back in about twenty minutes later, my hair soaking wet and stuck to my face and my clothes dripping water onto the floor. I wanted to stay out longer, but hailstones began to fall, and they hurt when they hit my bare arms and legs.