Posting Instructions!

Mar 26, 2012 21:40

Hello all,

First of all, to those of you who have made it this far, congratulations. Posting will begin tomorrow, and we'll finally get to the fun part- seeing and reading what everyone has created. \o/

We had to wait a bit to give some people with extensions a bit of extra time, but posting date emails will go out within the next couple of hours. They will either contain the fanmix/art/both made for you or a note that your mixer/artist has requested an extension or that a pinch hitter is currently toiling away at your fic. We have done our best to accomodate all requests for extensions and conflicts- if you feel you haven't been accomodated, please contact us as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, we have not been able to give everyone both fic and art, but we are doing are best to make sure everyone has gotten at least one bonus feature for their fic. WE STILL NEED PINCH-HITTERS, so if you can pinch hit, please drop a comment here and help us out.

Okay, so! Posting instructions! Authors, you will be posting both your fic and the art or mix made for fic.
  • For your fic: You must post your entire fic at once. You can post it in as many parts as you want, as long as it's posted in its entirety. You may post it either to Livejournal or AO3, but no other sites.
    • We will be posting links to every fic posted on tumblr at the gleebang tumblr here. If you would like to share your fic with tumblr, please reblog from here.
    • You cannot post your fic anywhere else until the posting period over. After the posting period is over, you may post it to any comm you would like, but please wait until we post the challenge masterlist and everything is done.
  • For your mix/art: we will be emailing you links to the mic or art made for you, along with the maker's name and, in the case of the mix, a tracklist. We ask that you make a seperate post to your livejournal displaying this bonus content, credited to its maker.
    • If it's a mix: the post must contain a tracklist.
    • If it's art: the post must display the art made from you. It will be sent to you in .jpg format, already ulpoaded to a website; you can use the following code to post it, if you are not familiar with how to format such things:

    • Again, the most important part of this is to give credit to your fanmixer or artist.

You will then post your fic to the Glee Bang comm. Everyone should have posting access to the comm, so go ahead and post at will. We'll take care of tagging your fic for you.

Please use the following template to post your fic. You can post whatever you would like on other comms or to your journal, but for this comm, please use this template to make all our lives easier.

Title: [Your Story Title]
Pairing(s) or Character(s):
Word Count:
Warnings: [warning for rape/non-con, dub-con, suicide/character death, self-harm, incest, abuse, and pedophilia is mandatory. Anything else is at your own discretion.]
Link to Fic: Title Text Here
Link to Art: [delete if not relevant]
Link to Fanmix: [delete if not relevant]

And that's it! Please let us know if there are any questions, or if you don't recieve an email from us soon. Happy Glee Bang day!
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