Title: The Gas Leak
Pairing: Santana/Brittany (Ch 1 et al), Finn/Tina (Ch 2), & Others Later On
Rating: NC17
Spoilers: Takes place in what I hope Season 3 to be.
Disclaimer: I don't own this.
The Gas Leak
Based on a prompt from the Glee Kink Meme (
http://glee-kink-meme . livejournal . com/8721 . html?thread=14264849#t14264849)
“Brittany and Santana have one of their famous rendezvouses in the Boiler Room at school. They go at it kind of rough and accidentally cause some type of Gas Leak. Now this gas leak doesn't kill you or make you pass out ... it makes you horny. So in various other parts of the school, multiple other pairs begin to participate in the school wide sex romp.”
Features Brittana and 7 other rair couples/groups.
Chapter 2 - A Helping Hand - Finn/Tina