Title: the joy of rediscovering you (1/undetermined)
Author: madamemonday
Rating: PG-13 (this chapter)
Spoilers: Through 2x14, Blame It on the Alcohol.
Word Count: ~2,400
Pairing(s): Klaine (Kurt/Blaine), Raine (Rachel/Blaine)
Summary: Kurt and Blaine want to have a baby, and Rachel volunteers to be their surrogate. On the surface it simply looks like history's trying to repeat itself, except there's this little matter that Blaine still has feelings for Rachel.
Warnings: just some cursing for this part.
Notes: As soon as I saw the promo for BIOTA and that incredibly hot kiss between Rachel and Blaine, the bunnies started breeding and haven't stopped. This is the best idea I've had out of the entire lot. That, and it hasn't been covered by other writers already. ;) I should also mention that this is my first stab at fic since 2007, so I'm a little rusty.
And finally, a big shout-out to my wicked awesome beta,
pina_spence . Couldn't have done it without you, E. <3
the joy of rediscovering you, chapter one