Title: Little Encounters With You - First One (1/?)
katherine_lupin Pairing,Character(s): Rachel/Jesse
Rating: G
Word Count: 305
Spoilers: If you saw all S1 there's no prob ;D
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee, if I did things would have been way different ¬¬U
Summary: The first of a series of encounters that take place between Rachel and Jesse.
A/N: Okay, first of all English is not my first language and this is unbetaed so don't be too mean with me xD. Second, I hope you like this little St.Berry drabble born out of nowhere just some minutes ago. Third, cross-posted to
gleefics ,
glee_tv and
rachelandjesse . Mods! please make sure the tags are okay
follow the fake cut to my lj :D