One Starry Night

Jan 27, 2011 22:30

Title: One Starry Night
Pairing: Mike/Quinn
Rating: G
Summary: written for zerodetorres at glee_rare_pairs


Quinn looked up at the night sky from her place on the dry grass. Her light hair fanned out around her head as she lay down to have a better view of the twinkling lights. The night air exhaled over her making the hair on the back of her neck stand up, causing her to shiver. She pulled the blue blanket that had been wrapped around her to ward of the cold breeze. Shuddering, Quinn began to count the stars. She had reached forty-eight when her eyes fluttered shut and she began to drift to sleep to the sound of the cricket’s lullaby.

It seemed to Quinn that she had only been sleeping for a few minutes when she heard the sound of a stick snapping. With her eyes opened wide, she sat up from her sleeping position, hugging the blanket as if it was a cloak of invisibility from any predator that might been in the perimeter. As she turned her head to her left, Quinn’s eyes caught a glimpse of someone behind a tree. She opened her mouth to call out to the person only to discover that her mouth had gone dry. Rolling over to her stomach, Quinn lay flat on the ground and looked at the tree. She saw a familiar piece of a green jacket.

“Mike?” Quinn uncertainly called out to the tree. “Mike, is that you?”

Praying to herself that it was indeed Mike, Quinn felt relief wash over her as a familiar face appeared before her. Quinn moved to a seated position and folded her arms across her chest as a young man came out from behind the tree.

His hands were buried into his pockets as Quinn leaned against the tree, a smile playing on his lips. Quinn looked at him with disdain masking her innermost thoughts.

“You really know how to scare someone, don’t you?” she said as she watched him. He continued to smile at her, sending a chill down Quinn’s spine that wasn’t from the wind. She had to tear her eyes away from Mike or risk him seeing color rise to her cheeks.

Quinn’s gaze was adverted to the starry sky. While pretending that she was actually interested in studying the stars from the Milky Way instead being in her own galaxy of longing, Mike left his place by the tree and made his way over to her as the grass crunched beneath his steps. Quinn’s stargazing was stopped by his figure blocking out the night sky.

“Excuse me, but you’re blocking my view.” Quinn told him. “Move now.”

He crossed his arms over his chest and smirked in defiance. Quinn kept her façade of loathing towards Mike and merely moved over to look up at the stars from a different angle. As if to cause her great annoyance, Mike moved with her. Feigning irritation, she lay down on the ground, half-expecting him to stand over her.

She heard the sound of crunching grass to her right. As she turned her head to see what was causing the sound, she was met by the sight of Mike also lying down on the ground. He looked at the stars, his eyes scanning the million balls of gas. Quinn looked up at the sky too, internally excited of the close proximity that the two shared.

Trying not to look at Quinn while he looked at the stars was not an easy feat for Mike. She had to focus solely on the stars and not the person beside her. Try as might, she couldn’t help but advert her eyes from the heavens to steal a glance at the guy of her dreams. Travis, her best friend, her partner in crime, her confidant, was unaware of his title of soul mate in her thoughts, hopes, and dreams. He was the sun in her solar system and the air in her atmosphere. She had fallen into a black hole of wanting a year ago, and she wasn’t so sure that she wanted to get out. Yet, he was totally oblivious to the feelings that she kept secreted inside of herself. One subtle hint that he thought of her as more than a friends would be all it took for her to explode like a supernova. If only there was a shooting star for her to wish upon, Quinn would be slightly happier. It didn't hurt that he made her feel like she was worth something again, her person was unmarred by anything that had happened sophomore year in his mind.

“That one looks like you.” Quinn said pointing to a larger, brighter star in the sky. “It outshines all of the rest.” Mike smiled and placed his hands behind his head.

“That one looks like you.” Quinn heard Mike say almost a minute later. Looking at him, she saw his forefinger pointing to the moon. Her eyebrow rose, waiting for a degrading comment that never came. “It’s the most beautiful thing out tonight.”

Although it seemed like she only imagined hearing those words, Quinn smiled and continued to watch the sky.


character: mike chang, &exchange 1, rating: g/pg, character: quinn fabray, !fic, pairing: mike/quinn, author: lygerjuice

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