Important Dates
April 27 - Sign-ups close
April 30 - Assignments sent
May 21 - Check in #1
June 4 - Check in #2
June 4 through June 11 - Fics posted (no schedule, just post in that period)
Time: 6 weeks
Length: 1,500 words (minimum)
Spoiler policy: Any episode in the first three seasons is fair game. Spoilers for later seasons should be avoided.
Banned pairings: Puck/Rachel, Finn/Rachel, Rachel/Quinn, Brittany/Santana, Puck/Kurt, Blaine/Kurt, Kurt/Karofsky (NEW: Sam/Kurt and Finn/Kurt unbanned)
Questions/concerns: email
1. Please only sign up if you are sure you have the time. I understand that emergencies or other unforeseen circumstances arise, but do take a moment to ask yourself if you'll make an honest effort to complete this fic on time. Someone else will be working away at your request, so it's only fair that nobody gets left out.
2. If you realize that your circumstances have changed and you will not be able to complete your fic on time, please contact me as soon as possible and I will arrange to have someone else take care of your fic. If the posting week does not work for you, let me know so I can post it for you. Do not wait until the last minute to bail out!
3. Because this is a rare pairings fic exchange, try not to be too picky when it comes to what you are willing to fill. Similarly, if you are requesting an obscure kink along with each of your pairings, you might be pushing your luck.
4. Most writers like prompts. Try to leave one if you can think of some. At the same time, remember that the minimum word count is only 1500 words. Don't leave long, elaborate prompts that will take at least 10k words to fill. Following these prompts are not mandatory; the assigned writer may deviate from them as he or she sees fit.
5. The three pairings you request cannot all contain the same character. Mike/Brittany, Mike/Rachel, and Brittany/Rachel is fine, but Mike/Brittany, Mike/Rachel, and Mike/Quinn is not.
6. No threesomes/moresomes. No RPF.
About pinch hitters: If you agree to pinch hit, you may be offered a second assignment and you will have 4 weeks from the time it is handed to you to complete it. Agreeing to pinch hit on the sign up form is not binding; you may change your mind at any time or turn down any assignments offered to you.
Fill out the following form and leave it in the comments below.
Name: Email: What can you write? (gen/het/femslash/slash; list in order of preference): Which characters/pairings do you particularly want to write? Which characters/pairings are you NOT willing to write? Are there any situations you'd like to avoid writing? Are you willing to write smut? Are you willing to pinch hit? List three different rare pairings you'd like to receive, and optionally, a prompt for each:1.
All communication occurs through email. Please ensure that you provide an email address that you will check regularly, as responses will be required on three occasions: when the assignments are sent, and at both check ins.
(Comments are screened.)