"The Important Post" is one that you shoud read! There's contain the schedule, the rules, all the challenges and all the winners will be posted here too , as an agenda.
- Schedule
Wednesday - Challenge Posted!
Saturday - Reminders!
Monday and Tuesday - Voting!
Wednesday Results and new challenge!
I decided to post the challenges the day glee airs on Fox, because i think this would be easier to remember :D
- Challenges Types
There will be techninal challenges and theme challenges
All the challenges will be named after a song from any musical! You can suggest a song name or a challenge, just leave a comment on that post.
Some images will be posted every challenge, but the participants can choose a image by their on that fits the theme.
- Names
R1C1 On Broadway - All That Jazz (Music || Lyrics)
R1C2 When You're Good to Mamma - Chicago (Music || Lyrics)
- Rules
Icons must fit LJ standarts: 100x100, lighter than 40kb.
You may not share your icon or announce which icon is yours anywhere until voting is over. If I you do so, you will automatically be disqualified.
You must have your icon in by the due date or you will be disqualified unless you have a skip.
All icons must be brand new and made by you.
- Voting/Elimination
People will choose two favorite and two worst icons, the FIRST favorite will win two points, and the SECOND will win one. The same thing happens with the WORST votes, but they will lose points.
Participants may win people's choice + mod's choice if they vote on the challenge too.
Every round, three participants will be eliminated. But when we get only five participants, one will be eliminated in each round after that.
Also, byes may be used until we get five participants.