Icons must fit LJ standarts: 100x100, lighter than 40kb.
You may not share your icon or announce which icon is yours anywhere until voting is over. If I you do so, you will automatically be disqualified.
You must have your icon in by the due date or you will be disqualified unless you have a skip.
All icons must be brand new and made by you.
Blending, texture, stock images are accepted, but no animation.
All entries must be submitted until Monday, November 16. Click here for the countdown
Prompt Come Back Challenge: Everything's Coming Up Roses
Free for all! You can blend images, use close crops, b&w, it's your choice.
Be creative! As we have so many people being eliminated for not sending an icon, TWO participants may come back this challenge. There will be TWO votings, one for the best overall and other for the most creative icon.
Only participants who have been voted out can send an icon this challenge. The ones who have been eliminated due the failure to enter can not submit.
You can use screencaps, promo pictures and photoshoots.