Title: Sing Your Life (the love songs of Kurt Hummel)
exeterlindenFandom: Glee
Pairing: Gen with eventual Kurt/Blaine
Warnings: Bullying
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: I own nothing, and I am making no money from this.
Author's Notes: Thank you so much to my beta
cynicalwhimsy! This story is my take on Kurt growing up as a gender-questioning/genderqueer kid. I hope you guys like it :)
His dad is wearing his blue shirt; it smells like motor oil and sweat and the fabric feels worn and soft against Kurt's cheek. “Dad?” he says, reaching down to fidget with the loose thread in the couch upholstery.
“I'm a boy.” Kurt scoots over on the couch a little when his father sits up straight, suddenly giving Kurt his full attention.
“Yes. Yes you are.” His dad clears his throat. “Why do you say that?”
Kurt shrugs, intent on the loose piece of thread, twirling it around his finger. “I don't know,” he mumbles.
Sing Your Life(link goes to AO3)