When the Day is Done: Part 1 (glee//supernatural crossover)

Dec 10, 2011 16:32

Title: When the Day is Done
Author: Koinaka
Rating: PG13 eventual M.
Pairing(s)/Character(s):Kurt, mentions of all of the Gleeks, Sam, Dean, Castiel, Bobby, other Supernatural characters as needed, eventual Kurt/Dean
Genre: Supernatural!Crossover, AU, drama, romance, supernatural
Spoilers: up to Grilled Cheesus for Glee, AU after that. up to 4-16 for Supernatural
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Ryan Murphy and Kripke respectively.
Summary: Dean is in the business of saving the world. Kurt is in the business of saving lives. With the apocalypse looming on the horizon, however, can they save one another from a life of loneliness?
Warning(s): slash, character death pre-story
Word Count: Around 2700 words for this part.

( When the Day is Done: Part One )

character: kurt, cross: supernatural, fanfiction

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