Title: I was thinking of a son
Fandom: Glee/Thor movieverse(Norse mythology)
Author: tigriswolf
Disclaimer: not my characters; title from Anne Sexton
Warnings: mentions of violent bullying and possible death
Pairings: Burt/Mama Hummel (Loki), Kurt/Blaine
Rating: PGish
Wordcount: 700ish
Point of view: third
Prompts: How Kurt got the scar on his neck. (the one Chris got from surgery) ; "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves." I don't care for Will. Anyone else is fine. ; Any, any, when we were kids
Note: links to previous parts at post
Kurt steps back (hopefully) out of reach. “I haven’t done anything worthy of arrest,” he announces. “Or detainment, or kidnapping to Asgard, so -”