Title: Bleeding Heart, Vanishing Soul
Author: Koinaka
Rating: PG13
Pairing(s)/Character(s):Kurt, Jimmy, Claire, Burt, Dean, Sam, other people from both Glee & Supernatural as needed. Kurt/Jimmy, mentions of past Jimmy/Amelia, Kurt/Blaine, possible future Kurt/Castiel
Genre: Supernatural!Crossover, AU, drama, romance, supernatural
Spoilers: all aired episodes for Glee, up to 4.20 on Supernatural
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Ryan Murphy and Eric Kripke respectively.
Summary: A year after Kurt's husband vanished without a trace, he returns bringing with him demons, angels, and the impending Apocalypse.
Warning(s): AU for some of Jimmy's history. Also, the Glee timeline is all screwed up. Basically just forget it about what year it is, and you'll be fine.
Word Count: Around 1700 words for this part.
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2 (
Bleeding Heart, Vanishing Soul: Part 3 )