you're listening for a song - Highlander crossover, PG, AUish

May 13, 2011 20:29

Title: you’re listening for a song that I don’t know, that no one has yet sung
Fandom: Highlander/Glee
Author: tigriswolf
Disclaimer: not my characters; title from Denise Levertov
Warnings: AUish after “Born This Way” for Glee; post-series for Highlander; the timelines may not exactly match up-I *handwave* this away, as is my right as author
Pairings: Kurt/Blaine; (very) pre-Kurt/Puck
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 710
Point of view: third

Matt still looked like a college student, of course, only a few years older than Kurt. Like Burt could break him in two.

character: kurt, character: blaine, cross: highlander, character: puck, fanfiction, character: burt

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