Title: A Nightmare on Elm Street
Author: L3af Con3yb3ar (FF.net)
Rating: M (FF), R (LJ)
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Puck/Kurt, Finn/Rachel, Mike/Mercedes, Artie/Tina, featuring Freddy Kruger and ensemble characters
Genre: Horror, tragedy, suspense
Warning: Violence, crude humor, adult situations and language. Story is also AU.
Spoilers: None I can think of
Disclaimer: Characters created by Ryan Murphy and Wes Craven
Author Notes: So, this is my first ever GLEE fic. that I've posted into the world. I kinda hope you guys enjoy the first chapter. I've had fun writing it--I'm writing the second as I type this. Please keep an open mind. This is based on both the classic Nightmare on Elm Street and the 2010 remake. I'd also prefer if you guys reviewed on the FF.net site but here is fine too. Constructive criticism please. :]] Peace.
Summary: The McKinley High glee club members have one thing in common: they all have reoccurring dreams of a man named Fred Kruger. As a result, several members have died in their sleep. Will Rachel, Finn, Kurt and Puck be able to solve the mystery of this mysterious man while avoiding sleep?
Word Count: 2,021