Title: Flower Of The Court 6/??
Author: JT
Pairing: Rachel/Fleur (Glee/Harry Potter crossover)
Rating: R, just to be safe
Spoilers: For Glee, up to Sectionals to be safe. For Harry Potter, up to Book 7, but story is clearly AU.
Summary: Rachel is intrigued by the new French teacher in school, and assistant director of Glee.
Warning: **will deal with a relationship between an adult and a minor.**
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just borrowing to have some fun. No profit is being made.
A/N: Glee/Harry Potter crossover.
A/N 2: Things to keep in mind.
-Definitely AU for both universes.
-Takes place about 3 years after the defeat of Voldemort, Fleur should be about 23.
-For Glee verse, it's the summer before the start of their junior year. Quinn did get pregnant, got kicked out, moved in with Rachel, but their relationship is more like that of sisters. The baby was given up for adoption.
-Quinn and Santana are together.
-anything in italics is French dialogue.
Current Chapter Previous Chapters:
|Chap. 1| ,
|Chap. 2| ,
|Chap. 3| ,
|Chap. 4| ,
|Chap. 5|