So, some new things going on around here!
Kyra5972 is our new mod, and is responsible for creating all the banners and graphics for the meme, so let's give her a round of applause!
Our first new challenge starts tomorrow! It's a one-sentence meme. Basically, we want you to post lots of glee crossovers, but keep them short, and don't worry about explaining in too much detail how the worlds mesh. It should be lots of fun and rather crackish.
We're considering having another challenge in a few weeks, if this one pans out, which, quite possibly, will be our first ever Porn Prompt Post! The idea will be t post your smuttiest, kinkiest crossover prompts, and fill them with PWP fills.
Anyway, everyone welcome your new mod, I'm going off to bed so I'm well rested for the 1SM!