Title: Sleepwalking
Characters/Friendships: Tina, Quinn, Santana, Blaine, Brad, Puck, Mike, Artie, Finn, Sugar, Joe, Kurt, Mercedes; Tina/Santana, Tina/Quinn, Quinn/Santana (minor Santana/Blaine, Santana/Brittany, Tina/Mike, Kurt/Mercedes, Brad/Piano)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Major character death, language, violence
Word Count: 10,000 (it's actually 12,205, please forgive me I already destroyed a huge chunk of it to cut it down ;_;)
Summary: Glee/Dead Like Me AU. Vignettes and maybe a couple of things some kids in Ohio talk about when they're kind of dead.
A/N: This was not supposed to kick my butt. It kicked my butt. (Despite there being major character death and violence, it's not graphic at all. or that sad.)
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this isn't about dying, tina Read on