Weekly Rec Post #5

Sep 06, 2011 11:04

One of these days this will actually live up to its weekly title. Last week was not that week, because I was too busy losing power due to thunderstorms, working and flailing over Blanana.


- Everything goes! Fic and art recs are great, but we’re all about anything that involves the Glee characters and cast being totally awesome.

- Having said that, all recs must centre on two or more characters or cast members and their platonic relationship. We accept recs that have romantic aspects to them as well, but please warn for this somewhere in your rec to avoid confusion/disappointment/death by excessive fangirling/fanboying for others.

- If a rec comes with explicit warnings, please acknowledge them. Use common sense - if there’s the potential for something to be controversial and/or triggering, a heads up never hurt anyone.

- Feel free to gush to your heart’s content. If you read a fic that made you “addlfsljfksljklfdsjkldfjsd” all over the comment screen or a Twitter exchange between your two favourite cast members that made you dance around in your room in a manner reminiscent of Finn Hudson, tell us exactly what it was that made you incoherent and giddy. Similarly, if you find a rec here particularly emotion-inducing, pass that on. The more we encourage people who support friendships, the more stuff we get to get excited about in return. We’re all about the platonic love here (although this is one instance where marriage proposals work just as well)

- Obligatory “no bashing” comment goes here. No matter how you feel about a rec (or the personal taste of the person who suggested it), the old adage applies: if you have nothing nice (or at least constructive) to say, then don’t say anything at all.

!rec post

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