What if disaster struck tomorrow? No, not a meteor striking earth or a Glee ep focusing on the importance of *insert that which you are most scared of here*
What if a glitch occurred in LiveJournal where your every anon comment here at g_a somewhat reverted to un-anon (yes, even if you didn't sign in... no one is immune!)
Re: What if?
April 21 2012, 17:23:08 UTC
tbh, I wanna know if Pyro and her buddies actually do hang out here. I wanna know if Pyro ever posts comments hating on herself.
I expect Auld-Langsyne has spent time on here...
I would be doomed. This is the only place in fandom I actually post honest opinions. My friends would never speak to me again if they knew how I really felt about certain characters, storylines, actors, ships and songs.
Also ten bucks says someone is going to anon fail in this thread.
Re: What if?
April 21 2012, 19:23:31 UTC
+1 Idk if too many people know who I am anyway, and I've said anything here that I would be totally uncomfortable with saying non-anon. I mostly avoid the gossip threads (not because I'm ~above~ it, but because I usually don't care about the person in question.).
Re: What if?
April 21 2012, 17:45:07 UTC
I'd be surprised to see anyone like crown-of-weeds or rm, but no one would be surprised to see me. Also, my ~reputation is (thankfully?) such that no one would be surprised by the weird commentfics or thoughts on kink, either, tbh.
Re: What if?
April 21 2012, 17:45:31 UTC
Errbody knows I go here. I've only posted a few things that are truly ~questionable, and tbh I dunno if I'd care so much if they were revealed. I wouldn't be surprised to see anybody, except those who vowed that they left this place a long time ago.
Re: What if?
April 21 2012, 18:59:57 UTC
People who know who I am wouldn't be surprised because g_a is kind of how we met. Although there was a conversation about masturbation from back in the day that would be a bit embarrassing if my name was attached.
Mostly, I'd just be mortified that people would see how many times I've responded to myself in a futile attempt to make the meme more active. :/
I don't really know people in the fandom because I'm on the fringes, so I don't think there would be any ~shocking revelations~ for me.
Re: What if?
April 21 2012, 19:06:18 UTC
People would be shocked, I tell you. Shocked! Yeah, no, not at all. I can't even think of anything I've ever posted that would be remotely shocking. I started coming here for active discussion and now come here out of habit, and I'm always terrified of saying anything bad because somehow, I know someone will know.
Re: What if?
April 21 2012, 19:17:11 UTC
This is timely because I anon-failed the other day posting something that was a little snarky, and I felt badly about it afterwards. On the whole, though, I don't think anybody would be surprised, and I don't think I've said anything particularly out of the blue.
What if a glitch occurred in LiveJournal where your every anon comment here at g_a somewhat reverted to un-anon (yes, even if you didn't sign in... no one is immune!)
How screwed are you?
Who would you be surprised to see?
Who wouldn't really surprise you?
I expect Auld-Langsyne has spent time on here...
I would be doomed. This is the only place in fandom I actually post honest opinions. My friends would never speak to me again if they knew how I really felt about certain characters, storylines, actors, ships and songs.
Also ten bucks says someone is going to anon fail in this thread.
Also I totally have self-recced. Awkward!
I wouldn't be surprised if ontd-g people went here, and I really wouldn't be surprised if Pyro goes here.*
*sidenote: where has her crazy been lately? We haven't covered anything she's said for weeks.
maybe she'll come roaring back with a new spectacular brand of wank
Mostly, I'd just be mortified that people would see how many times I've responded to myself in a futile attempt to make the meme more active. :/
I don't really know people in the fandom because I'm on the fringes, so I don't think there would be any ~shocking revelations~ for me.
I know.
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