Fourth Prompt Post

Feb 16, 2011 21:41

Welcome to the Glee Angst Meme again! You know how these things work. You can come here and prompt your most angsty prompts, and write stories filling those angsty prompts to let our characters suffer ( Read more... )

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Fill pt 1 rivulet027 March 8 2011, 21:24:42 UTC
Rachel hugged her knees tightly and rested her chin on top. She closed her eyes, trying not to flinch at the words she’s already heard. She startled as the sound cut off, opened her eyes and took in that Finn had paused the TV.

“You know, I was actually trying to like the guy for Kurt’s sake,” Finn grumbled.

“I tried to date him,” Rachel pointed out.

Finn sighed and reminded, “Rachel.”

“I know, I know,” Rachel nodded, “Not about me right now.”

Finn nodded then frowned at the TV where they could see Blaine leaning over Kurt. Finn swallowed as he took in the hurt look on Kurt’s face. He grabbed the remote again and turned off the TV.

“What do we do?” Rachel asked.

Finn stared down at his hand closed tightly around the remote and admitted, “I don’t know. Wh…why did you show me this?”

Rachel sat back, let go of her legs and turned towards him, “I don’t know what to do with this and I make better plans when I make them with you.”

Finn smiled slightly as he nodded his agreement. He set the remote down and turned towards Rachel, “I think we have to comfort Kurt and figure out if Blaine remembers what he said or not.”

“I don’t think he does,” Rachel said, “I mean if he did I hope he wouldn’t have…I don’t want to think that Kurt’s enamored with that big an asshole.”

“He was pretty drunk,” Finn agreed, “and people do stupid shit when they’re drunk.”

Rachel shook her head, a small self-deprecating smile on her face as she agreed, “Yeah.”


“I pretty much spent that whole week drunk,” Rachel admitted.

“I know,” Finn said, “I’m sorry.”

“Sorry?” Rachel questioned, “What do you have to be sorry for?”

“I wasn’t nice to you at your party either,” Finn admitted, “and I…”

“I remember what you said,” Rachel cut him off, “and you weren’t really that mean. I was being clingy.”

“I could’ve been nicer about it,” Finn said before he laughed, “I mean I’m used to Puck becoming this clingy thing when he’s drunk. I should’ve just been able to deal with you. I just…I-I shouldn’t have pushed you in the first place.”

Rachel almost wanted to ask about Puck, but that wasn’t the point of their conversation, they need to get back to figuring out what to do about what Blaine had said to Kurt at her party.

“Hey, I got song writing fodder,” she pointed out.

“By dating Blaine?” Finn asked, his voice giving away that his doubt.

“I admit it wasn’t much of a relationship, but we did go on a date and it was lovely and he did turn out to be gay so…”

“He was gay before he kissed you Rachel.”

“And he thought he was bi after, plus I totally messed up my friendship with Kurt over a boy and…”

“Rachel…Rachel stop.”


“You didn’t need to get a life and I’m sorry I told you to.”

“Finn?” she tilted her head confused.

“So the dating Blaine fiasco is more song writing fodder than the whole you/me/Quinn/Puck/Kurt/Jesse thing last year?”


Re: Fill pt 1 continued rivulet027 March 8 2011, 21:26:16 UTC
The smile disappeared and Rachel sat back, “I wasn’t sure that wasn’t off limits.”

“It’s a song,” Finn told her, “and we all lived through it.”

Rachel nodded, frowned and asked, “Then why tell me to go get a life?”

“So you’d…you,” Finn cut himself off and stared at his hands, “I don’t know how to say this without you taking it the wrong way.”

“Then say it anyway.”

“I was hurt by the Puck thing, but I got over it quickly. Rachel, wait, let me finish, please. I got over it, but we were broken up and it was just less scary.”

“I scare you?”

“We’re in high school,” Finn stressed.

“What does that have to do with anything?” she frowned.

“With Qui..with any other girl it’s just high school,” Finn told her, “There’s this realization that after graduation probably all we’ll be lucky to have is being facebook friends, but with you…with you it’s forever and you believe it and you make it feel like forever an-and you make me want to be believe it too. I’m too young for that. I don’t think I can give you that.”

Rachel opened her mouth, closed it, tried to think of the right thing to say and found she actually had no words. Instead she reached out and took Finn’s hand, “I’m sorry. Thank you.”


“No,” she told him taking a deep breath, “I have this tape where Blaine tries to kiss Kurt at my party, only Blaine’s drunk and Kurt isn’t. Kurt shoves him away and is in the middle of trying to explain that Blaine got into whatever alcohol it was that sent him to the hospital last year and Kurt really just can’t. I don’t think Blaine heard him. I think I understand the stuff about Wes, though I’ve only met the guy once. I really don’t understand what Blaine was talking about when he referred to Karofsky, but I know Kurt was hurt when Blaine started in on the knowing about Kurt’s crush and knowing that Kurt will wait and that means he can go do whatever he wants with whoever he wants. I know he said things…I know he did what he could to make Kurt think that he’s unworthy of love.”

Rachel paused and took a breath, swiping at the tears sliding down her face, “And I don’t know what to do about it. I know that I made it worse, but I just found this tape and…”

“Hey,” Finn told her, closing the distance between them and pulling her into a comforting embrace, “I think we start with Blaine, see if he remembers what he said, see if he actually meant it because if he did then he doesn’t deserve to even look at my brother.”


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Fill pt 1 continued rivulet027 March 9 2011, 19:51:55 UTC
:) Thank you. I was nervous about the Finn and Rachel part since the prompt is more about Kurt and Blaine, but this needed to start with them. So very glad you enjoyed it!


Re: Fill pt 1 continued katydid417 March 12 2011, 18:53:56 UTC
ooh i love a good finchel scheme! and some kurt!angst. can't wait for more :)


Re: Fill pt 1 continued rivulet027 March 15 2011, 00:56:02 UTC
:) Thanks. The more I plot the angstier it seems to get.


Re: Fill pt 2 A rivulet027 March 15 2011, 01:22:47 UTC
Note: Wes and Kurt make out in this chapter. They don't end up with each other in this story. Also Wes and Kurt talk about sexuality and gender then play a bit of a prank on Blaine.

Kurt hovered outside the door, not quite sure if he should say anything, but feeling as though he had to. He took a deep breath and knocked, let himself in when he was invited and stood in the doorway.

Wes turned to look at him, his expression giving away nothing. That cold demeanor that Kurt had grown accustom to since he transferred was firmly in place. He’d seen glimpses of the warmth he’d experienced when he’d first met Wes, but they were only glimpses. Kurt had almost convinced himself that Wes was a stick in the mud, or that Wes just couldn’t stand him, but then Blaine had opened his drunk- mouth and Kurt couldn’t keep pretending he didn’t know why Wes disliked him.

Kurt let the door shut behind him as he stepped into Wes’ room, grateful that it looked like Wes’ roommate wasn’t there. He’d rather have this conversation in private.

“Something I can help you with?” Wes asked.

Kurt nodded, hoping for a moment that he could salvage a friendship. For a moment he wished he hadn’t found Wes at his desk, so that he could have that chair. Hesitantly Kurt sat down on the nearby bed and told Wes, “I heard you think New Directions is as heartless as Vocal Adrenaline.”

Wes dropped his pencil and turned his chair around, the look on his face hesitant.

“We went against them for Regionals last year,” Kurt told him.

“We had them for Sectionals,” Wes said.

Kurt frowned, “They targeted my friend Rachel.”

“They targeted me.”

“I’m not targeting Blaine,” Kurt reassured.

Wes pressed his lips together and nodded, “I think I started to see that around Valentine’s, but I wasn’t sure how to ask.”


Re: Fill pt 2 B rivulet027 March 15 2011, 01:24:28 UTC
“I think I should tell you about Jesse St. James,” Kurt started before he launched into what he knew about the Jesse and Rachel fiasco. Wes nodded, joined him on the bed and occasionally traded how his experience with Kyle had been different. When Wes reached out and intertwined his fingers with Kurt’s they began to actually talk about Vocal Adrenaline’s methods of trying to win instead of merely trading stories.

Then Wes apologized for thinking New Directions would use the same tactics.

“I’m sorry you got hurt,” Kurt told him.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t more welcoming,” Wes countered.

Kurt nodded, “Start over?”

“Sounds like a plan,” Wes smiled, “Blaine told you?”

Kurt frowned, not wanting to hurt Blaine or Wes’ friendship.

“I’m cool if he did,” Wes reassured, “I mean we’re finally actually talking.”
Kurt nodded.

“Sorry about your friend,” Wes tried.

Kurt smiled then asked, “I have to ask because I’m confused, I thought you were straight? Blaine said you had a girlfriend.”

“Had a girlfriend,” Wes nodded, “I had one at the time.”

“Had?” Kurt asked.

Wes shrugged, his grip on Kurt’s hand tightening as he said, “Long distance relationships aren’t easy and we’ve agreed that it might be easier on the both of us if we just remained friends.”

Kurt tilted his head, “Are you bisexual?”

“Not everyone is a zero, a three or a six, Kurt,” Wes laughed.


“Kinsey scale,” Wes prompted and then off of Kurt’s confused look explained, “It’s a sexuality scale. Zero is completely heterosexual, three is equally heterosexual and homosexual while six is completely homosexual. You’ve seriously never heard of Kinsey?”

“No,” Kurt admitted.

“There’s a movie,” Wes reassured.

“Of course there is,” Kurt said rolling his eyes.

Wes shook his head as he promised, “Next movie night you get introduced to the joys of sex research.”

“Sex research?”

Wes smirked at the startled look on Kurt’s face.

“You’re avoiding my question,” Kurt told him.

Wes shrugged.

Kurt pouted slight and Wes laughed. Kurt smiled and bumped Wes’ shoulder, “I like you better like this.”

“Yeah, sorry,” Wes agreed, “I can be a bit of a jerk when I’m trying to protect my friends and to answer your question I’m not bisexual.”

“That doesn’t answer my question at all!”


Re: Fill pt 2 C rivulet027 March 15 2011, 01:26:03 UTC
“I don’t always feel like explaining,” Wes told him, “and I’d recently had some issues with one of the guys finding out that my girlfriend is transsexual or is that was? She was my girlfriend, but she is transsexual.”

Kurt tilted his head, confused, “So your ex-girlfriend is a girl?”

“Exactly,” Wes laughed, “Only Ethan wasn’t quite sure what to make of that.”

“I’m still confused,” Kurt admitted.

“I loved Kalie,” Wes said, “She used to be Charlie. Still confused?”

“No, I’ve seen Normal.”

Wes nodded, then sighed, “You still want a label, don’t you?”

“If you don’t want to give me one…”

“Pansexual,” Wes told him.

“Which is what exactly?”

“You’re really kinda clueless, aren’t you?” Wes questioned.

“Apparently,” Kurt agreed, matching the teasing he found in Wes’ eyes, “but you’re still holding my hand so I must not have offended you yet.”

Wes gave Kurt’s hand a squeeze, before he explained, “Pansexual is like being bisexual, but I don’t believe gender is binary. Not everyone is only a man or only a woman, just like how Kinsey scaled sexuality, sometimes gender falls along a scale too.”

Kurt nodded.

“Got it?” Wes asked.

“I may be clueless,” Kurt teased, “but I’m not stupid.”

Wes smiled, then turned serious as he turned to look at Kurt, “So you and Blaine?”


“Blaine went to a party with you,” Wes said.

“I-well he and I, it…”

“Then he was going on a date with a girl,” Wes continued.
Kurt nodded.

“Blaine has pretty much always maintained that he’s a six, not a five,” Wes told him.

“I may need to see this scale,” Kurt admitted as he hung his head and took a deep breath.


Re: Fill pt 2 D rivulet027 March 15 2011, 01:27:16 UTC
“Hey,” Wes said, trying to get his attention, “Blaine is an ass when he’s drunk. When there is drinking David and I usually make sure he’s only buzzed.”

Kurt looked up startled.

“The one time we let Blaine get drunk,” Wes revealed, “He and I stopped talking for two weeks.”

“I tried to take what he said and let it go in one ear and out the other,” Kurt admitted, “but then he went on a date with one of my friends.”

Kurt closed his eyes tightly, tried to keep the tears reigned in as he said, “He’d rather go on a date with a girl then try with me.”

Wes let go of Kurt’s hand and Kurt tried to keep from hugging himself. He opened his eyes, worried about how he’d finally manage to offend Wes, then flinched when he realized Wes was about to touch his face. Wes’s hands hovered a moment as his eyes searched Kurt’s face, “You’re really not good at this touching thing are you?”

“I-I’m not used to guys,” Kurt admitted, “I know how touching goes with girls, but most guys don’t want me touching them so I stopped trying.”

Wes frowned, cupped Kurt’s face and brushed the tears away with his thumbs and he told Kurt, “Blaine is an ass when he’s drunk, though generally not when he’s sober so I’m not really sure what’s up with that.”

Their eyes met.

“He liked kissing Rachel while drunk,” Kurt offered, “So he wanted to see if he was bisexual. He’d rather kiss a girl then me.”

“He’s an idiot,” Wes told him, the distance between them closed swiftly. Their lips brushed, but as Wes moved to cup Kurt’s face Kurt pulled back, eyes widening. Wes paused, rubbed Kurt’s cheeks with his thumbs as he asked, “Not used to kissing either?”

Kurt shook his head.

“Not even kissing between friends?” Wes teased.

“Why?” Kurt asked.

“Because you look like you need it,” Wes said, “Because it’s been way too long since I just made out with someone. Because it’d feel good. Because I want to kiss you right now.”

“You want to?” Kurt asked, the words slipping from his mouth before he could stop them.

Wes frowned, eyes searching Kurt’s face again before he took a breath and went back to teasing, “Hey, Kurt?”

“Yeah?” Kurt managed, trying to move back to teasing since it was at least familiar.

“Wanna make-out?”


Re: Fill pt 2 E rivulet027 March 15 2011, 01:30:45 UTC
Kurt’s smile was small and hesitant as he nodded. He wanted this, wanted a kiss from a boy, liked the warmth of Wes’ hands against his face, like the longing he saw on Wes’ face, liked the feeling of actually being wanted.

Wes’ lips touched his again as he slowly pushed at Kurt, urged him back onto the bed. Wes moved from Kurt’s lips to his cheek to his neck as he moved over on the bed, giving Kurt room to join him. He pulled back, waited till Kurt was laying next to him on the bed, looking at him before he leaned in again and kissed, slowly parting Kurt’s lips and kissing into his mouth, deepened the kiss when Kurt’s hands ran hesitantly into his hair.

It was slow, almost lazy, comforting and relaxing all at once. It felt easy, somehow, to lay there with Wes on his bed and just kiss. It felt so good to be held, to have another boy pressed to his side, lips on his. How was it this easy?

“Not the hair,” Kurt warned when Wes’ hand strayed too close. He moaned when this only caused Wes to chuckle against his lips and move in for more. This kissing had that same friendly quality it’d had with Brittany, except Kurt didn’t feel the need to catch Wes’ hand as it moved down his side, cupped his ass and pulled him a bit closer.

Then Wes paused, glanced up and swore. Kurt tilted his head to take in the clock that Wes was looking at, “Have somewhere to be?”

“No,” Wes answered before he searched Kurt’s face again, then teased, “You know it’s against the rules to get drunk.”

“I didn’t get drunk.”

“You didn’t?”

“I got sick off of it last year,” Kurt admitted, “Haven’t been able to touch any since.”

“Sick as in awful hangover or sick as in…” Wes trailed off to let him answer.

“As in throwing up on a teacher’s shoes, being sent to the hospital and having my stomach pumped sick,” Kurt admitted.

“Yeah,” Wes agreed, “I’d probably avoid it too.”

“Why the attempted lecture?” Kurt asked, “Cause you admitted to getting drunk too.”

Wes wet his lips, “I was trying to segue into revenge fun.”


“Blaine’s supposed to stop by in a bit,” Wes admitted.

There was some part of Kurt that wanted to shove Wes away, wanted to move and not deal with anymore fallout with Blaine. If he kept up pretending that nothing had been said at the party, if he kept up the persona that he wasn’t hurt by the Rachel dating thing then he and Blaine would work themselves back to a friendship, but the part of Kurt that was hurt, the part that didn’t want to lie and the part that felt too comfortable to move, wanted to know what Wes had in mind.

“Give him a taste of what he’s missing,” Wes smirked as his eyes raked over Kurt lying next to him.

“And how do you propose to do that?” Kurt asked, look challenging.

“Make him leave cause I’m too busy making out with you,” Wes explained before he went on, “Only make it more than friendly kissing.”

“I think curiosity as to what you’re getting at is going to win out here.”

Wes smirked, “Good, take off your blazer and toss it on the floor.”

“On the floor?”

Wes rolled his eyes, while his smiled teased, “Okay, throw it on my desk.”

Confused Kurt took off his blazer and forced himself to get up and place it on Wes’ desk. When he turned around Wes had dropped his shoes on the floor, un-tucked his shirt and unbuttoned the top few buttons. He motioned for Kurt to join him. Kurt hesitated, but moved willingly when Wes grabbed him by the hips and settled Kurt in front of him. He unbuttoned Kurt’s pants, tugged his shirt out and unbuttoned the bottom three buttons.

Wes wet his lips, then looked up at Kurt, “Take your shoes off.”

Kurt dropped down onto the bed, taking his shoes off, slightly confused as Wes stood and started messing up his own hair.



“This is…”

“Totally going to be worth it to see the look on his face,” Wes supplied.

Kurt looked up at Wes, the comment that he didn’t want to hurt Blaine dying in his throat. The comment that he wasn’t even sure if he should want Blaine anymore flitted through his head.

“We don’t have to,” Wes reminded.

“Because my redressing won’t look suspicious at all,” Kurt countered with a roll of his eyes.

“Then lay down,” Wes told him.


Re: Fill pt 2 F rivulet027 March 15 2011, 01:32:10 UTC
Kurt settled himself in the middle of the bed, trying to relax, trying to quell the bats that had suddenly started flapping in his stomach. Wes crawled on top of him, straddled his hips, reached and took both of Kurt’s hands before pressing them above Kurt’s head onto the mattress.

“Kurt,” Wes said, voice thicker than it had been a moment ago.

Kurt met Wes’ eyes, “Yes?”

“Revenge is best served cold.”

Kurt wanted to call him on the cheesiness of using a geek reference but then Wes was kissing him, hard. This had none of the languid quality of a few moments ago, this was demanding, wanton, full of lust. Kurt whimpered and kissed back, trying to match Wes’ force. Their tongues dueled this time instead of danced as Wes’ hands pushed Kurt further back against the mattress, as their bodies pressed full against one another. Kurt whimpered as he realized Wes was as turned on as he was.

The door opened with a question and then a shriek.

“We’ll reschedule,” Wes practically growled as he lifted his lips from Kurt to glare at Blaine, “Sorry should’ve text, got caught up.”

Kurt forced himself not to look, instead he leaned up to press kisses to Wes’ neck.

“Is that..but Kurt…” Blaine stuttered.

“Just go away,” Wes groaned as he leaned down and caught Kurt’s lips again, kissing him back down into the mattress.

“Wes!” Blaine shrieked again.

Wes let out a growl, moved his lips to Kurt’s neck as he groped beside the bed. Kurt closed his eyes, panting as he tilted his head back, trying to concentrate on Wes, trying to ignore that Blaine was standing right there.

There was a thunk and then another shriek and then the door was slamming. Wes continued to kiss Kurt’s neck, moved to his cheek and then grinned. They both started laughing.


Re: Fill pt 2 G rivulet027 March 15 2011, 01:33:23 UTC
“Feeling better?” Wes asked.

Kurt eyed the door, “I’ll probably feel worse later, but for now I don’t.”

Wes poked him as they sat up. Kurt laughed as he joined him.

“You should date,” Wes decided as he began buttoning his shirt.

“What?” Kurt asked as he started to fix his uniform.

“Maybe Sean, he’s nice,” Wes suggested, “And he likes you.”

“Wait, Sean is…”

“Bisexual,” Wes supplied, “And his last boyfriend decided he was straight so it might be good for him to date someone who’s comfortable with being gay.”

“He dated a straight guy?” Kurt asked looking confused.

“Being able to admit that you might not be heterosexual is difficult for some people,” Wes tried, “Or maybe he was a one, I have no idea, but I do know that you seem ready to move past this whatever with Blaine, Sean’s ready to do that dating thing and is into you and I’m kinda selfish for the whole want to make out with you bit, but I’m so not over my last relationship and while making out with you was hot, I’m kinda still a mess right now.”

Kurt blinked, “Somehow I suspect I just got shot down, but it didn’t feel bad. And wait…Sean likes me?”

“Why do you think he buys you a slushie every morning?” Wes asked.

“Cause he’s weirdly obsessed with them and thinks I need to be desensitized to the sight of them,” Kurt supplied.

“Desensitized?” Wes asked.

“The first time I saw him with one I didn’t take it so well,” Kurt admitted, “I used to get slushied at lot at my last school. It upset him and he gave me his right then and there, since then he’s brought me one every morning.”

“For which Nick is eternally grateful,” Wes finished before he asked, “Slushied?”

“As in having a slushie thrown in your face,” Kurt explained.

The smile fell off of Wes’ face and he scowled, “They seriously did that at your last school?”

Kurt nodded, almost said it was one of the least hurtful thing, but the dark look on Wes’ face made him pause. He went willingly as Wes pulled him into a hug, then pointed out he’d apparently become accustomed to Wes touching him. Wes laughed and kissed him for it, then pulled away sharply.

“Wes?” Kurt asked uncertain.

“Seriously have to stop kissing you or I’m going to want to do more than kiss,” Wes explained, before he ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath, “Okay, let’s get you dressed, me back to yo-my homework and…maybe I should just go take a cold shower first.”

Kurt smiled and shook his head, “Thanks Wes, for making me feel better.”

A part of him wanted to thank Wes for making him feel wanted.


Re: Fill pt 2 G hitchin March 15 2011, 06:51:52 UTC
Awww Wes is awesome in this! <33


Re: Fill pt 2 G rivulet027 March 15 2011, 15:20:53 UTC
:) Thanks! I'm finding uncovering different layers to Wes interesting as I keep going with this.


Re: Fill pt 2 G rivulet027 March 15 2011, 06:55:31 UTC
I really like this story... Kurt needs a boost in self confidence, I LOVED that you showed casual affection without trying to make it all ship-y and just generally loved this chapter. I can't wait for more!


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