Season 3 Discussion Post 2

Feb 01, 2012 09:24

Please discuss Season Three in this post ONLY, and not in the Discussion Post to help from spoiling people.

Feel free to talk about previous episodes, filming & future spoilers, and the current screening episode. Please note what episode you are talking about in the header.

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Episode 3.14 watch-along and discussion post joyful February 22 2012, 00:05:26 UTC
Place thought and theories and feelings here.

This is the necessary Pi reference.



Re: Episode 3.14 watch-along and discussion post rosesofnight February 22 2012, 00:07:51 UTC
Ha. I didn't even think of that. (Pi reference)


Re: Episode 3.14 watch-along and discussion post rosesofnight February 22 2012, 02:04:36 UTC
Can I just say that a side on, at speed, TO THE DRIVER'S DOOR, with how much bigger that truck was, to her car, has very little survival rate?

-grumbles about realism-

....Is the first half even worth watching? Because the second half has had to suck worse than any other episode I can ever think of.

(Annoyingly, I believe I can fly, done on it's own, possibly like Man in the Mirror type of style or something close to it, would have been powerful. Y/N?)


Re: Episode 3.14 watch-along and discussion post joyful February 22 2012, 02:10:36 UTC
I have to admit I think it will be more realistic, and a better story, if she doesn't.


Re: Episode 3.14 watch-along and discussion post rosesofnight February 22 2012, 02:15:59 UTC
A story with an accident, especially since she was all tied-up to the end and then suddenly had her life altered, would be an amazing storyline to introduce. Or agreed, a character death in senior year, RIGHT before a marriage and everything? Better storyline, and a profound way to bring in the whole growing up thing that they've had with S3, and how people would react.

I just don't trust Glee to handle it.

I.. am actually speechless with how awful that episode is. Is the first half any better?


Re: Episode 3.14 watch-along and discussion post chirpingemu February 22 2012, 03:31:40 UTC
I'm not quite sure if it counts as first half, but I thought the Warblers' performance was excellent and I would have given them the first place for combining musical sophistication and excellent delivery.

Max Adler really showed his acting chops in the first part, even if (maybe this is just me) he's so unconvincing as a teenager that it spoiled some of the visuals.

If plot holes bug you, the first half will give you hives the size of Australia. The performers carry it off, but roommates and I kept muttering at the television and then agreeing loudly with one another during the commercials.


Re: Episode 3.14 watch-along and discussion post joyful February 22 2012, 02:12:15 UTC
This was the most triggery episode of Glee yet. I'm still kinda shaking.


Re: Episode 3.14 watch-along and discussion post rosesofnight February 22 2012, 02:16:43 UTC
-hugs- I don't blame you. From what I understand, they used NO warnings at the beginning of the episode?


Re: Episode 3.14 watch-along and discussion post joyful February 22 2012, 02:21:12 UTC
No warnings at all. And then there was a suicide attempt and a car accident in the same episode. Two things that have happened in my life in the past week and a half.


Re: Episode 3.14 watch-along and discussion post rosesofnight February 22 2012, 02:24:00 UTC
Oh sweetheart. -hugs- I'm so sorry that happened to you, and for the Glee episode tonight.

Hoping for peace for you tonight, atleast so you can rest. Feel free to PM if you need to talk.


Re: Episode 3.14 watch-along and discussion post chirpingemu February 22 2012, 02:37:08 UTC
Oh, hon, I am so sorry to hear that. Hugs to you, dear, and sending all good thoughts your way and for those in your life that experienced those things.

Please ask if there's anything that somebody can do, whether it's pray, PM, anything else.

You might be anonymous but you're not a stranger.


Re: Episode 3.14 watch-along and discussion post lm_mage February 22 2012, 02:40:39 UTC
If you need anything anon, we are here to help and listen. You are not alone.


Re: Episode 3.14 watch-along and discussion post cowboyhat February 22 2012, 02:36:27 UTC
I'm really surprised how triggery that was. Honestly, it wasn't so much Karofsky as the scene with the glee club sitting around, talking about what they want to live to see. Will's memory and than what they wanted... brings me to a bad place a couple years ago.

I like the potential with Quinn's story line, but it's glee. I don't trust them. Definitely interested in seeing the quartie dynamic though. If the tike break-up spoiler is true, I'd be really interested in seeing a tina/artie/quinn triangle. could be really interesting.


Re: Episode 3.14 watch-along and discussion post lm_mage February 22 2012, 02:41:17 UTC
Broken. Shamlessly. Utterly. Broken.

That was heart pounding, and inspiring, and heartwarming, and candid, and depressing and...Done, I am just....I have NOTHING.


I need to time to gather my thought better before I can comment here, but I loved it so much.


Re: Episode 3.14 watch-along and discussion post joyful February 22 2012, 18:11:19 UTC
It took me a while to gather my thoughts about this episode but, and it may be an unpopular opinion considering the remarks I've seen in other places, but I thought they handled it realistically. Everyone's reactions are ones that I've seen myself when my community has lost someone. People think it's selfish, people blame themselves, people want to live in the now, assuring people you love that you won't do the same, talking about the time you almost went through with it or did try to do it. It's normal. I think episodes like this show exactly who's actually been affected by the subject matter and who just wanted more screen-time for their favorite ( ... )


Re: Episode 3.14 watch-along and discussion post chirpingemu February 22 2012, 23:25:30 UTC
I thought that everything was in character, too, and very normal human reactions. Will tried to help as best he could (even if it wasn't the most powerful story ever, which I thought was actually kind of the point), there was some good character and plot continuity in their responses, and so on.

Was anybody else expecting Rory to have an allergic reaction to the peanut butter in that scene, as a moment of extra-dark humor?


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