Prompt Post #16

May 31, 2012 13:26


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Characters/Pairings - Spoilers - Warnings/Triggers - Kinks
Fill - Title - Characters/Pairings - Spoilers - ( Read more... )


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Kurt/Sebastian - 5+1 anonymous May 31 2012, 20:51:20 UTC
Really simple, I know, but I would love a "five times that Kurtbastian fucked and 1 time they made love" fic. It can be PWP or plotty. It doesn't matter.

If this has been prompted before, I apologize, and if someone has written a fic like this, I would love a link... :P


Re: Kurt/Sebastian - 5+1 cinder1013 June 1 2012, 01:35:53 UTC
Sounds like fun! Do you want to see them have penetrative sex everytime? Would you mind some exhibitionism? A crowded nightclub, something like that.


Re: Kurt/Sebastian - 5+1 anonymous June 1 2012, 14:02:30 UTC
No, it definitely doesn't have to be penetrative sex every time. I am down with any scenario, exhibitionism included. :P


Re: Kurt/Sebastian - 5+1 xitsbeckah July 8 2012, 16:17:35 UTC
I love this prompt! Is it ok if I take a shot at it? I have a plan all set out in my head and it probably won't involve any major kinks but is there anything you're completely opposed to? :)


Re: Kurt/Sebastian - 5+1 xitsbeckah July 8 2012, 16:21:40 UTC
Oh! And if someone would be willing to beta for me, that would be awesome. :)


OP anonymous July 10 2012, 04:42:09 UTC
The only ones are bugcock, vore, infantilism and most scat. Everything else is game. ;P

Are you the person filling below btw?


Re: OP xitsbeckah July 10 2012, 08:13:33 UTC
Yeah, it's me! I didn't realise I had done it anonymous until after I had posted. :/

I won't be anon in further updates though. :3


FILL - 5+1 (1a/6) - Kurt/Sebastian - BoyxBoy Sex - Penetrative Sex, Rimming, Blowjobs anonymous July 9 2012, 22:41:03 UTC
A/N: This is my first GKM fill but I couldn't get this prompt out of my head so I gave it a go. I hope you like it and if someone would be willing to beta for me, that would be incredible ( ... )


Re: FILL - 5+1 (1b/6) - Kurt/Sebastian - BoyxBoy Sex - Penetrative Sex, Rimming, Blowjobs anonymous July 9 2012, 22:49:09 UTC
Sebastian dips his fingers into the waistband of Kurt's briefs and hooks them down over his hips to pile at his feet with those damned leather pants. Kurt's cock juts out proudly and Sebastian wastes no time in engulfing his length, Kurt let's out a guttural groan of relief and threads his fingers through Sebastian's hair, just holding on, something to ground him as his mind floats up in a pleasure-induced haze. Sebastian gets to half-way down Kurt's cock before bringing his head back up, sucking the entire way. Sebastian suckles sweetly at the head of Kurt's cock, dipping his tongue into the slit and gathering up the dribble of pre-cum, Kurt's hips jerk forward and Sebastian rides it out like a pro because, well, let's face it, he is. Sebastian gets a rhythm going between his lips and his hand and Kurt is letting out a nearly constant stream of noise, moaning and cussing, whining when he gets close. Sebastian can feel Kurt's body tense and hears his ragged breathing pick up, letting out broken cries. Sebastian takes in a deep breath ( ... )


Re: FILL - 5+1 (1c/6) - Kurt/Sebastian - BoyxBoy Sex - Penetrative Sex, Rimming, Blowjobs anonymous July 9 2012, 22:51:57 UTC
Kurt leans up to take Sebastian's lips with his own, anything to stop Sebastian looking at him like that. The kiss turns deep and dirty as soon as it starts. Sebastian fucks his tongue into Kurt's mouth, wraps long fingers around the back of his neck and tilts Kurt's head, exactly how Sebastian wants it. The good thing about being a hormonal teenage boy is the recovery time is super-sonic. A few quick thrusts from Sebastian's cock against Kurt's own and it's slowly awakening, growing as Sebastian's grasps it and pulls it in slow, firm strokes. Once Kurt is gasping into Sebastian's mouth and twitching his hips upwards into Sebastian's fist, Sebastian sits back on his haunches. Kurt whines and grabs at thin air to bring Sebastian's weight back down. Sebastian looks for a long second before dipping down and giving Kurt a sweet kiss. Sebastian whispers against Kurt's lips, "On your belly, for me." he runs his fingers down Kurt's sides, making Kurt shudder, and grips his hips, helping Kurt turn over. They never fuck face to face, an ( ... )


Re: FILL - 5+1 (1d/6) - Kurt/Sebastian - BoyxBoy Sex - Penetrative Sex, Rimming, Blowjobs anonymous July 9 2012, 22:53:05 UTC
The slap of skin on skin, moans and grunts, harsh breathing, an occasional whine are the only things to be heard. Kurt's hips are rocking back into Sebastian's as much as he can underneath his weight, he raises a hand behind him to bury it in Sebastian's sweat-soaked hair to make sure he doesn't move off of him. He loves the way Sebastian bears down on him, the way he fucks him into the mattress. Sebastian can only pull out a few centimetres in this position but it's perfect. He grinds in, rotates his hips in tight circles and torturing the gland that makes sparks shoot behind Kurt's eyelids and make primal noises erupt from his lips. Sebastian murmurs praises of so fucking good and tight, oh, so tight and god, so amazing into the skin of Kurt's neck, kissing what he can. He reaches out the hand that isn't hooked around Kurt's chest to hold him close to find Kurt's. He pries Kurt's fingers loose from the sheets and tangles his own with him. Kurt squeezes his fingers and starts to clench hard around Sebastian's cock and it makes ( ... )


OP here anonymous July 10 2012, 04:38:23 UTC
OMFG!!!! Thank you so much for filling this (no one has ever filled one of my prompts before)! *happy dances*

This was so fucking hot and much angstier than I'd expected already, which just makes me love it more tbh. ;D So many Kurtbastian feelings right now (how shall I sleep?). Also, this is really great so far, especially for your first fill. :)

"Notfriendsbutnotenemies-with-benefits" <---- I found this kind of hilarious. xD

I hope you update soon. ♥


Re: OP here xitsbeckah July 10 2012, 08:36:58 UTC
You're welcome! I loved your prompt. :D

I hope you don't mind angst! I won't be going overboard with it though so don't go buying any tissues :D. Haha! The first time I read that I thought it said "this is not really great so far" and I think my stomach touched my toes but then I re-read it and giggled like a little girl.

I didn't know what word to use! They're not friends but it's not hate-sex so.. :D.

Hopefully soon! I have to write on my phone because I get way to distracted on a computer. I can't promise weekly updates but I'll try not to keep you hanging for long.

(Woo! This is so awesome. :D)


Re: OP here anonymous July 11 2012, 03:05:28 UTC
I love angst. ;)

"I get way to distracted on a computer." - LOL!Yeeeeah. I get where you're coming from there. Have fun typing out future updates on your phone. :P It sounds tedious.

Thanks again for filling. -HEARTS-


Re: FILL - 5+1 (1d/6) - Kurt/Sebastian - BoyxBoy Sex - Penetrative Sex, Rimming, Blowjobs vindictiveminds July 11 2012, 00:43:35 UTC
Oooh. This was a really good start! I just love Kurtbastian fics where Seb is more vulnerable and whatnot than Kurt, so I am super excited for the angst. :)


Re: FILL - 5+1 (1d/6) - Kurt/Sebastian - BoyxBoy Sex - Penetrative Sex, Rimming, Blowjobs xitsbeckah July 16 2012, 19:46:59 UTC
I know what you mean! I don't like it when author's make their Sebastian's emotionless robots. He's a person to! I'm glad you like this :). And angst, yes. It will come.


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