Prompt Post #14

Mar 25, 2012 12:51


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Re: 3b/?, 'Let Me Love You', Kurt/Blaine, Dub-con, Dom!Blaine anonymous April 14 2012, 07:50:44 UTC

Blaine finished reading the contract to Kurt. The sub’s eyes started watering during the process and now the tears had started, they wouldn’t stop.

‘Honey…?’ Blaine gently touched his cheek.

How had this happened? He entered the room with strong feeling that he wanted tobe where anywhere but there and suddenly he felt that maybe it was right he’s here? He didn’t accept that, no. But suddenly he wasn’t so sure if all that was so wrong.

‘Yes, Kurt. I’m going to do that in few minutes. If you sign the contract with me now. And find a words to say your vow’ he answered gently.

He nodded. ‘Isn’t that like… a reward? For being a good toy? When you decide I earned it?’ he asked quietly , not looking at the Dom.

Blaine’s eyes grew suddenly wide. ‘Kurt, no, no. Stand up. Come on. Stand up’ he asked.

Kurt looked at him. He was so confused. He couldn’t decide if he should trust Blaine or keep denying everything. He stood up anyway.

‘Kurt, it’s not like that. You are a beautiful person. I want you to be mine and you earned that by being yourself. You don’t need to be better or anything but yourself.. You won’t be less than perfect whatever you do. I want you to be mine no matter what. And you’re not a toy and I don’t want you to talk about yourself like that. Never, do you understand?’ he sighed.

Kurt nodded unsurely. ‘I’m sorry?

‘It’s alright honey. Will you kneel for me now, please?’ he asked gently, taking both Kurt’s hands.

The taller boy nodded and obeyed without a word.

‘Kurt, I know you don’t like that. I know you feel like you’re hurt and you don’t deserve to be hurt. But you’re not. You’re here because I love you. I do, already, I knew I wanted you since I first read about you and that’s why you’re here. I’m so lucky and I want you to be mine and I want you to feel the same. I want you to feel that you want to be here. And you will. I promise you I will love you. I won’t abuse you. I will treat you right and I will take care of you and all your needs. I promise you to reward you when you earn it and also to punish you when you deserve - to remind you what is best for you. I promise you to make you happy and love you. Will you accept that, beautiful boy?’

Kurt took deep breath. He thought about that, avoiding Blaine’s eyes. He had a choice. Right here, right now, his Dom gave it to him.

But Blaine wasn’t bad. He was like Disney prince - it was just that Kurt was unhappy because this whole situation wasn't how he wanted to live life, it wasn’t his choice. And now it was and he could said no.

He could and maybe never be claimed or will sold on the black market or have an abusive Dom. Anything could happen and yet, there he was, with Blaine. He could choose to have the chance to at least attempt to have some influence on his future or with what was right in front of him..

Be this boy’s sub and maybe, maybe in the future would be happy. He dropped his eyes and bowed his head tears welling up fast. He felt so weak. He almost sat on his heels. Blaine took his in his arms.

‘You’re fine sweetheart. You don’t have to say yes. You’re fine, I’ve got you but you don’t have to do anything. Just answer me. You’ll safe no matter what’ he muttered in Kurt’s hair, kissing his head and kneeling beside taller boy.

‘I… I w-want to. I will’ Kurt whispered finally.


Re: 3b/?, 'Let Me Love You', Kurt/Blaine, Dub-con, Dom!Blaine anonymous April 14 2012, 12:14:39 UTC
What a good dom ;___; Blaine!! the contract is very interesting to read.


FILLER HERE anonymous April 14 2012, 13:17:30 UTC
Wow, I think I ate one sentence between

‘Honey…?’ Blaine gently touched his cheek.
How had this happened?

was that one:
‘Are you giving me a collar soon?’ he asked quietly.
Here's lesson for you: don't sleep and post. ;)

Thank you guys for all nice words. I think you'll see soon that Blaine even if a little tough on Kurt sometimes is really understanding and loving person and I hope he'll be a good Dom.

Also - I almost deanoned myself when I first posted chapter. Thank God for 'delete' when you're logged on.


Re: 4a/?, 'Let Me Love You', Kurt/Blaine, Dub-con, Dom!Blaine anonymous April 15 2012, 01:13:58 UTC
‘Look at me’ he asked Kurt and the Sub obeyed immediately. ‘If you’re sure, I want you to look at me and tell me your vow. It won’t be bad one no matter what you say, OK honey?’ he gently stroked Kurt’s hair and sat on the couch, taking the submissive boys hand.

‘I promise I will…’ he sniffled. ‘I will try to love you. I will submit to you as best I can. I will be obedient and good to you’ he whispered, looking for Blaine’s eyes to find out if what he had said was enough. Blaine nodded.

‘It’s alright, sweetheart. It’s enough. It’ll be fine, I know you’re upset now’ he whispered, still holding Kurt’s hands. ‘But it’ll be better, I promise. It will be’ he said again, taking a pen and signing the contract.

‘Come here’ he patted his knees and Kurt clambered to his lap and cradled into his Dom’s chest.

‘It’s alright, I’ve got you’ Blaine kissed his temple and handed him the pen. ‘Sign it, sweetheart, OK? Just do it’

Kurt started crying even more with the pen in his hand. Blaine sighed. ‘I’ve got you’ he muttered, stroking his sub’s hair. ‘I’ve got you. I will take care of you, I promise’ he whispered, rocking his boy back and forth to calm him down.

Kurt was terrified, making the tears come even faster. He was scared of the future and what would soon be like. He chose to be claimed few minutes ago, his own free choice but he still was scared. His thoughts were all over the place and his mind scrambled. He had agreed but he still wasn’t sure if it was the right decision. All these what ifs had started going through his mind. What if he wasn’t able to be a good sub? What if he wasn't submitting right, even when Blaine told him he was?

‘Will you kick me out? If I’m not a good sub? Because I know I won’t be, I’m not good enough’ he sobbed quietly.

Blaine stopped moving. ‘Kurt, look at me’ he said, in the least gentle tone, with all his power as a Dom clear in his tone of voice. ‘Look at me now’

Kurt obeyed quickly.

‘You’re wonderful. You’re amazing. You’re scared and lost and you don’t want this yet but I promise I won’t leave you. I won’t give up on you just because you don’t trust me yet. You’re more than good enough, sweetheart. I want you to sign this contract because I believe in you. And I know you won’t let me down.’ he said firmly.

‘Sign this if you want to be mine.’ he ordered gently, handing him pen. ‘If you don’t, then that's okay, it’s your choice. But I love you.’

Kurt held the pen with trembling hands and signed the official piece of paper. It wasn’t his best signature. But he had done it.

‘I’m so confused’ he mumbled. ‘They trained us to receive different treatment than this. They told us that a Dom isn’t obligated to do anything for us. That collar is a prize, a reward, not a given and while we wear it we are valued and treated better and allowed outside. But we’re without a collar most of the time and the Dom doesn’t have to care too much about us. That he doesn’t have to care about our feelings. They told us that in class so I thought…’

‘What?’ Blaine almost yelled, careful not to scare his vulnerable sub. ‘No, sweetheart, no, no, no. You will always have your collar as symbol of my love and your submission. I love you and I will always take care of you. You won’t always like it because I sometimes will have to punish you as that is a part of this situation but you’ll always be safe and loved. Do you understand, sweetheart? You’re always mine and you’re always loved here.’ he kissed his forehead.

‘Yes, Blaine’ he answered, although he was still a little unsure.

‘Do you want your collar now? Are you ready?’ he asked, gently stroking the sub’s back. Kurt nodded, crying even more.

Blaine smiled sadly. ‘Honey, I don’t want you to be upset during this. It’s not right and it shouldn’t be like that this, beautiful’ he whispered. ‘We can wait. We have the contract signed and we can wait with a collar if you’re not ready for it.’

‘I am ready, Blaine. I am, I’m sorry’ he whispered, rubbing his eyes. ‘I can do it. If you still want me’ his voice broke.

‘I want you, I want you sweetheart and I want you to believe in that’ Blaine said gently. ‘On your knees’ he stopped holding taller boy.


Re: 4b/?, 'Let Me Love You', Kurt/Blaine, Dub-con, Dom!Blaine anonymous April 15 2012, 01:14:52 UTC
Kurt knelt beside Blaine who reached for black wooden box.
‘I need you to understand that our contract is now active and you’re officially my sub and I love you. This collar is a visual symbol of your submission and my care for you.’

He opened a box with black, leather collar inside. Kurt’s name was mindly (WHAT?) engraved on the front and Blaine’s name on the locker locket.

‘It’s beautiful’ Kurt whispered, reaching for the box to touch it. He looked at Blaine, asking for permission.

‘Go ahead, touch it. Just don’t hold it or take it out of the box, I want to give it to you.’ he answered. Kurt gently touched the collar, as if it was going to break at the touch of the fingertips.

‘It’s beautiful, Sir’ he said suddenly. Blaine raised his eyebrows.

‘I’m glad you like it’ he said gently. ‘Bow your head’ he picked up the collar from the box and fastened it behind Kurt’s head.

The collar fit perfectly. It didn't cut deeply into his neck and yet Kurt felt it no matter how he positioned his head.
‘Beautiful’ Blaine murmured, caressing his shoulder. ‘You’re beautiful and you’re mine.

‘Stand up’ he commanded, kissing his temple. He took both the boy’s hands into his own and kissed Kurt, hands on the sub waist. ‘I love you’


Re: 4b/?, 'Let Me Love You', Kurt/Blaine, Dub-con, Dom!Blaine anonymous April 15 2012, 01:33:03 UTC
Filler here.
I'm sorry for all mistakes latelly. I'm sleep deprived and sometimes somewhere between first and final version I miss some comments add to drafts to communicate with my beta. And then it happen. So, that sentence should looks like that:

He opened a box with black, leather collar inside. Kurt’s name was mindly engraved on the front and Blaine’s name on the locket.


Re: 4b/?, 'Let Me Love You', Kurt/Blaine, Dub-con, Dom!Blaine anonymous April 15 2012, 02:19:01 UTC


Re: 4b/?, 'Let Me Love You', Kurt/Blaine, Dub-con, Dom!Blaine anonymous April 15 2012, 07:07:37 UTC
It's perfect, i'm so happy when you update, this fic is so precious.


Re: 5a/?, 'Let Me Love You', Kurt/Blaine, Dub-con, Dom!Blaine anonymous April 15 2012, 14:08:09 UTC
Someone’s lips on his own awakened Kurt the next morning.
‘Morning sleepyhead’ Blaine whispered. ‘I know it’s early but we have that breakfast with my parents today and my brother is coming home later and you need to meet him so get up and meet me in dining room in half an hour’

Kurt groaned. ‘What time is it?’

‘Six sweetheart. Get ready’ he ordered as he left the room, giving Kurt some privacy.

Half an hour later his on Kurt walked into the dining room where he saw Blaine sitting there.

‘Hi sweetheart’ Blaine greeted him. ‘You look beautiful. My parents will love you, as will my brother.’ Blaine smiled a little.

Kurt was exhausted. His Last night was terrible; he didn’t sleep well at all in new bed. In fact, he slept three hours before Blaine woke him up, feeling terrible and hating his Dom again. It was all so stupid,meeting the parents and he was terrified. He didn’t want to meet Blaine’s parents so soon.

‘But why?’

‘Why what, sweetheart?’

‘Why do you want them to like me? Why do you even care? Why do you play with me like that? Why do you want me to feel wanted when I’m just a toy? Why are you making me fall in love with you when in two months you’ll be able to use me any way you want, without any love’ he had tears in his eyes. ‘I don’t want anybody to see me like this I don’t want to be here I don’t…’

‘Kurt, stop it’ Blaine interrupted his babbling.

‘I don’t want to be here with other people. Don’t you see how embarrassing this is for me? How it makes me vulnerable? I’m your toy already and this is so unfair that you want me to look perfect in others eyes for your pleasure. It isn’t right, it’s selfish…’

‘Kurt!’, Blaine’s voice warning Kurt to stop talking that instant.
‘Stop, calm down’ he said firmly, without any hint of gentleness in his voice. But Kurt kept going.

‘They will be so proud of YOU, of course, because it’s all about you! You being comfortable, you choosing perfect sub, you being a Dom and I’m here and you don’t care what I feel and…’

This time he was interrupted by a slap. His cheek suddenly stung and he stopped babbling when Blaine’s hand hit him.

‘I told you to stop twice. You disobeyed a direct order. You offended me. I want you to go to your room and kneel beside the bed. Think about everything you just did.’

There was no room to object to anything when Blaine used his Dom’s voice. Kurt nodded with tears in his eyes and stood up, going to his room.

He knelt on the floor and started crying. Why did he say all that? Where did it come from? Sure, he felt insecure and still didn’t fully trust Blaine but what he said was terrible. All his words were so unfair. Blaine was trying. He just wanted Kurt to met his parents and brother and Kurt’s panic attack ruined everything. He hid his face in hands. He had had panic attacks before and he was bitchy but that was… That was before he met Blaine. Half of what he said wasn’t even true anymore. But he had said it anyways and offended his Dom at the same time.

He felt insecure, he was scared of being used and being claimed but his words were much worse than his thoughts. And it wasn’t even his place to say any of what he had just said.

He bowed his head, staring at the ground. His timing was perfect because at that moment Blaine entered the room.

‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry…’ he started saying with tears in his eyes.

‘Hush’ Blaine voice still didn't have any sign of gentleness. ‘Kurt, you broke the rules.’ he started quietly. ‘Now, because this is the first time we’re going to talk about what happened. But you will be punished and I want you to know that what happened in the room, when I hit you, that was punishment for disobeying an order. Do you understand?’

‘Yes, Sir’ Kurt whispered. He felt that right now was good to address him like that now.

‘I want you to stay on your knees during this conversation. To remind you why we’re here’

‘Yes, Sir’ Kurt said, avoiding his eyes.


Re: 5b/?, 'Let Me Love You', Kurt/Blaine, Dub-con, Dom!Blaine anonymous April 15 2012, 14:09:03 UTC
‘Why you were so upset?’ he asked.

‘I was… I didn’t sleep well last night and I’m tired and scared…’ he started sobbing
‘Shhh, sweetheart, I’m not going to punish you for anything you say now, alright? You can talk. I need you to talk to me because I need to know what happened.’

‘I… It’s so hard for me to… T-to trust you. And now I… I have to do so many things… I know it’s not much, but your parents, it’s pretty big to me and I was so tired and not ready and it just all came out. I don’t usually think in that way, I don’t… I just… I’m just scared…’

‘Scared of me?’

He didn’t response.
‘Answer me, Kurt. I won’t punish you for what you say’

‘Yes. I’m scared of you, I’m sorry’ he started crying again. ‘I’m scared of being used. That you’ll do that, just use me. What’s going to happen in two months. I’m scared of all this…’

Blaine took his hands.

‘I won’t use you. Yes, we will have sex at some point but it’s not about using you. It’s about being with the person you love, being so close that you can’t be closer and about showing your partner how you want him to feel good. And you will. I will make you scream because of pleasure, do you understand? It won’t be about me. It’ll be about us. It’s not about me now. I want you to meet my parents because they’re part of my life. Which is now also part of your life. This is your home, we’re your family. We want you here. We love you. You’re not vulnerable because you’re with me. It’s not humiliation that you’re my submissive. I’m proud that you’re mine. I’m so happy that I have you here. And there’s nothing wrong with that, being someone’s sub. I don’t want to show you to the world for them to humiliate you. I want to because you’re so beautiful and so perfect that I want to scream it out loud. Because I love you, beautiful boy’ he sighed deeply.

‘I’m sorry’ Kurt started crying again.

‘I know you are. I want you to understand what that you did was wrong, which you obviously understand already. But I also want you to know what would really make you vulnerable and humiliated and that will be your punishment. Because I want you to remember that how it feels and remember that I will never make you feel like that without a reason’

Kurt nodded silently.

‘Do you know why I’m punishing you, Kurt?’

‘Because I disobeyed you twice. I was disrespectful and rude. And the words I said were unfair and out of place.’

‘Yes. I want you to take off your clothes now.’

Kurt finally up looked at him, scared.

‘It’s nothing sexual, Kurt. Just do that it. I will always give you privacy but during a punishment that doesn't count. Take it off’

Kurt closed his eyes.


Re: 5c/?, 'Let Me Love You', Kurt/Blaine, Dub-con, Dom!Blaine anonymous April 15 2012, 14:09:36 UTC
‘May I stand up?’

‘Go ahead, but then back on your knees as soon as you’re naked’ Blaine didn’t look at him while Kurt was stripping, folding his clothes and putting them on the bed. He returned to his knees, cheeks flushed and feeling so embarrassed.

‘You’re not allowed to wear clothes for the next twenty four hours. When it’s done, it’s all forgiven. You can use your safeword and then all will be forgiven as well. What is your safeword?’

‘Silk’ Kurt said. He was crying again.

‘I’ll remember. Honey, I cancelled our breakfast. You won’t go anywhere without your clothes. It’s just us in our home.’

Kurt nodded.

‘Stand up’ he kissed Kurt’s temple, caressing his arms and avoiding any touch below boy’s waist.

‘How was your night, sweetheart?

‘Terrible’ Kurt admitted, again avoiding his eyes. His cheeks were so red.

‘What happened?’

‘I couldn’t sleep. I felt so terrible and so scared’

‘You could have just told me, sweetheart. We would avoid all that crap’

‘You gave me an order. I couldn’t disobey while I was conscious. Then when I blacked out it was just…it just happened. I wouldn’t disobey you on purpose’ Kurt was still crying.

‘I know, sweetheart, I know. Next time I want you to tell me when you don’t feel good after waking up. And that’s an order. You have to feel good when you’re submitting. Go to sleep’ he told him gently. ‘I can stay with you for a while if it will help, sweetheart’

Kurt nodded. ‘Please’

‘Lie down’ Blaine told him gently. Kurt obeyed, closing his eyes when he felt Blaine’s hands on his waist. ‘I’m here, beautiful. You’re safe.’ The Dom covered him with blankets, humming quietly in his ear until Kurt fell asleep.


Re: 5c/?, 'Let Me Love You', Kurt/Blaine, Dub-con, Dom!Blaine sister_of_pearl April 15 2012, 21:26:12 UTC
ksdjsafnjbdmsn I can't WAIT for the next update! :3 <3 Love, love, LOVE this story! <3


Re: 5c/?, 'Let Me Love You', Kurt/Blaine, Dub-con, Dom!Blaine anonymous April 16 2012, 02:28:45 UTC
I'm just a bit confused here. I thought that one of Kurt's limits was that Blaine couldn't take away his clothes?


Re: 5c/?, 'Let Me Love You', Kurt/Blaine, Dub-con, Dom!Blaine blainehummel April 16 2012, 05:53:54 UTC
he can't take his clothes and give him other because he knows how much kurt loves them
here he just took any clothes for a limited time
does that make sense? i got lost trying to explain lol maybe the author will do that better


Re: 5c/?, 'Let Me Love You', Kurt/Blaine, Dub-con, Dom!Blaine anonymous April 16 2012, 06:03:44 UTC
No, love. All his limits were written on that list. What he asked for it was... It will be said what they teach subs in school. Kurt asked for that because he was scared Blaine would be one of THIS Doms. The one who take all Kurt clothes away from him. But being naked in their house isn't so big deal. It's not even his soft limit. His hard limit is 'being always naked' and 'being naked outside'.
We've never seen Kurt's list.


Re: 6a/?, 'Let Me Love You', Kurt/Blaine, Dub-con, Dom!Blaine anonymous April 16 2012, 12:59:55 UTC
A few hours later Kurt was in the kitchen making them dinner. Blaine said he would help but Kurt wanted to the serve his master for the rest of the day. He was constantly blushing, while humming quietly and making pasta. Being naked was a reminder of what he did and made him embarrassed and feel guilty. What he had done was constantly in the back of his mind.

‘Hi beautiful’ Blaine appeared behind him, his hands suddenly on Kurt’s waist. ‘How’s it going? My brother will be home soon’ he kissed Kurt’s neck.

‘Your… Brother? Here?’ Kurt looked at him uncertainly. ‘Today?’

‘Yes, sweetheart. He lives here, beautiful’

‘But I’m…’ he looked at himself.

‘Naked. It’s part of our life. He will understand and he’s straight, he doesn’t care anyway.’ Blaine answered gently.
‘Punishment is a part of our life and he knows that.’

Kurt nodded without a word.

‘Sweetheart, you’ll be fine. It’s just temporary. I promised not to take your clothes away from you and I won’t. But this is punishment and you know why.’

‘I know, I’m sorry. It’s just so…different.’ Kurt sighed. ‘I feel grateful actually. Because I know you’ll take care of me. Even if I misbehave. I know you’ll forgive me and I thank you for that’ he whispered. It was so weird, Kurt was so unsure about his feelings because they were so strange and confused.

‘’mkay, you’re scared, I can tell’ he whispered. ‘You’re so tense. Are you done cooking for now?’
Kurt nodded.

‘Sit on the chair.’ Blaine asked gently.

‘Here? Can I?’

‘Sure, go ahead, I just gave you permission, sweetheart’

Kurt sat on chair, closing his eyes. It was a little uncomfortable, being there naked. The strange feeling lasted a few seconds and Blaine’s hands were suddenly on his back, rubbing the skin gently. A massage. Kurt sighed happily.


‘Hush. You’re mine, you can rest now’ Blaine sat on a chair behind Kurt, massaging his back and shoulders. The tension was visibly leaving Kurt’s body. ‘You can calm down and feel safe. You can let these feelings be here. They’re good. I know, you’re confused and scared but you can let yourself feel happy. There’s nothing wrong with that.’
urt sighed again, closing his eyes.

‘C’mere’ Blaine whispered, moving off his chair and making Kurt get up as well. ‘Sit here’ he smiled gently, tapping his lap. Kurt sat down, closing his eyes again. ‘Lean back on me. Yes, just like that, good boy’ he praised when Kurt obeyed.

‘Open up’ he asked, touching Kurt’s lips. Something round was suddenly in the sub’s mouth. ‘It’s a gag. Nothing scary. I want you to be silent a for a little bit while I talk to you. And I want you to learn to trust me now. Hum ‘Let Me Love You’, please’ he asked and Kurt obeyed immediately. He was trembling a little.

‘Good boy. It’s your safe signal, do you understand?’ he asked gently. Kurt nodded.

Blaine returned to massaging Kurt’s shoulders.

‘You’re safe, sweetheart. I’ve got you here, relax.’ he was whispering. Kurt let this feeling with the gag overwhelm him. ‘Are you still here, love?’ Blaine asked gently, kissing Kurt’s neck. The Sub nodded.

Note - no idea if I'm doing this right, I'm just the beta cause the author has no internet. This is interesting, with this all in Polish and me being an English speaker...

They sat like that until Kurt’s alarm in the kitchen started calling. Blaine stood up and took the gag out of Kurt’s mouth.

‘I…’ the sub terrified himself with his voice. It was raspy and really not his.

‘Here, drink, love’ Blaine handed him a glass of water, stroking his hair. ‘Was that something you didn’t like?’ he asked gently.

‘No, it was fine, it was good, I felt safe actually. Just surprising. I always talk a lot’ Kurt blushed.

‘I noticed, sweetheart, that’s why I want to use that more often. One more rule - it’s your duty to clean all toys after they’re used. For now just take care of dinner. But remember to clean this up and give that back to me, beautiful’ he ordered gently, helping Kurt stand up and kissed his temple. ‘Go take care of dinner’ Blaine left the room.


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