The Third Prompt Meme Post

Nov 14, 2010 18:22

Welcome to the Glee Angst Meme again! You know how these things work. You can come here and prompt your most angsty prompts, and write stories filling those angsty prompts to let our characters suffer.

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Re: Sam/Quinn [FILL] 2 anonymous March 23 2011, 22:11:48 UTC
"You what, Quinn? Honestly,” she doesn't answer him, just glances at him, shaking her head, but doesn't speak. “I'm just tired of the games.”

“Just break up with me already,” she whispers, her eyes welling with tears. Sam approaches her, takes her soft hands in his own calloused ones, and tries to get her to look at him, but she refuses.

“What are you talking about?” he asks.

“I'm a terrible girlfriend. I'm moody. I don't call when I say I will. I cancel dates last minute. I lie to you. I bully you. I'm not a good person, and you deserve so much better than me.” Sam sighs when he realizes that this is the most that she's talked to him all week. And she's putting herself down.

“I love you, because of and despite all of those things. You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen...ever. And I don't deserve any part of you, Quinn because you are as good as it gets.” She starts shaking her head before he even finishes what he's saying. “I just want you to be honest with me. What the hell is bothering you?” Quinn lets out a sigh, taking Sam's hand and leading him to the chairs in the choir room. He pulls a chair around so that he can face her when she talks.

“Do you remember...our” she asks, not making eye contact with him. Sam smiles at the memory- one of the best moments he'd had since moving to Lima.

“Yeah,” he says, stroking the back of her hand with his thumb. She stares at their hands, and briefly looks up at him before looking away again.

“Do you remember what you said to me...after I told you about what happened...last year?” Sam has to think for a moment, but then it comes back to him.

“That everyone has secrets that they're ashamed of...and that I dyed my hair with lemon juice.” The both of them laugh quietly about the memory, and it goes silent for several moments. Sam remembers how his secret hadn't been his hair. He pushes that away, and focuses back on Quinn.

“Yes, but that's not what I'm talking about,” Quinn says after a while. Sam raises an inquisitive eyebrow at her. “You told me that you understood. I've been thinking about it lately, and you...don't. You don't know how I felt, or the ridicule that I went through. You can't know. You can't know unless you've been through it, and haven't. Don't act like you understand what it's like, because both of us know that you don't.” It's now Sam's turn to look away bashfully, and he bites his lower lip, not meeting Quinn's critical stare. “Have you?” she asks, and her voice sounds so weak that Sam's head whips back around to look at her. She looks...horrified.

“I didn't know what the best time to tell you this would be,” Sam admits, reaching for the phone in his pocket. He opens it up, and shows Quinn the picture of the smiling little girl. She takes the phone with shaking hands, tears welling in her eyes once again. “Her name is Sarah. She's eighteen months old.”

Quinn studies the picture for a long time before handing the phone back to Sam.

“She looks like you,” Quinn chokes out.

"Only since I dyed my hair," he says, laughing humorlessly. "She's basically a clone of her mom." Quinn raises an eyebrow at him, clearly intrigued.

"Sophie was my ex-girlfriend from my old school. She went to the sister school of the private school I went to. We met at a dance. We were fourteen, and freshmen in high school. We'd been dating for four months. It was stupid. We got carried away. Nine months later, I had a daughter." Quinn just stares at her boyfriend, not sure of what to say.

"It was all okay. Sophie wanted nothing to do with me after, and insisted that she take care of Sarah all by herself. I offered, and she didn't take it. I tried sending her money, but she just sent it back. She was pretty happy when I told her I was moving and changing schools." Sam laughs darkly at this, and continues with the story.

"A few weeks ago, I got a call from Sophie's parents. Sophie died in a car accident because she was drunk. Her parents wanted absolutely nothing to do with Sarah anymore than they had to, and basically forced her onto me. She moved in with me two months ago. I've been 'Daddy' ever since."


Re: Sam/Quinn [FILL] 2 anonymous March 23 2011, 22:15:09 UTC
"And you didn't think to tell me any of this?" Quinn asks, her voice breaking and cracking at random intervals.

"We'd just started dating when she moved in. I didn't want to scare you away.” Quinn shakes her head, a single tear trailing down her cheek.

“I don't believe this! How could you not tell me? Especially after what happened last year, Sam!”

“Quinn...I just...I really like you. It would've killed me if you'd rejected me. It all happened so fast. Literally the day I asked you out my mom was waiting at the kitchen table with a lawyer when I got home from school. A week later there was a crib in my bedroom. I-I'm sorry.” Quinn shook her head, kissing Sam lightly on the cheek.

“No. I'm sorry. I didn't know.”

“I know.”

“How come I never see her when I come over?”

“Because I've made sure that she's out with my mom and that all the baby crap is hidden before you come over,” Sam shrugs. Quinn laughs.

“I'd...I'd to meet her, Sam. If that's okay with you.” Sam nods excitedly at his girlfriend, and pulls her into a tight hug.

(There you go! I loved the prompt. I know it's kind of not totally what you wanted, but I hope that you enjoy it! This is my first fill!)


Re: Sam/Quinn [FILL] 2 theauthor2010 March 25 2011, 02:14:12 UTC
This is Quinn/Sam how it should have been done. Fantastic story. Will there be more? I'd love to see Quinn meet Sam's little girl.


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