Sorry In Advance!

Jan 03, 2010 20:03

I'm probably going to get murdered for doing this...

Welcome to the Glee Angst Meme. You know how these things work. You can come here and prompt you most angsty prompts and write stories.

This is entry is where you can post your requests. Then hopefully someone will come along and will fill it when they feel a need to rain on everyone's parades.

You can totally post anonymously in case you're afraid of being known as the jerk that requested "Puck/Kurt. A la Romeo and Juliet, Hard R, PS. I want to cry more then I did when I watched Old Yeller." Yeah, you can request a happy ending or have it end not happy for our Gleeks.

The format for prompts is Character or Pairing, Prompt, Rating.

Ok. Enjoy yourself. And don't forget that Glee Fluff Meme is around to cheer you the hell up.

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