Prompt Post #7

Feb 01, 2012 09:29

Welcome to the Glee Angst Meme again! You know how these things work. You can come here and prompt your most angsty prompts, and write stories filling those angsty prompts to let our characters suffer.

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Fill: True/False 1/1 chirpingemu February 5 2012, 03:49:28 UTC
He'd said something about keeping up with homework and the doctor told him that it was okay, that the pain meds were strong but they wouldn't leave him fuzzy-headed. He'd have to be careful about not moving his head more than he had to and wouldn't be able to read very easily, but as long as he had somebody who could read to him, he'd be fine.

He'd returned her smile, thinking then that it was a good thing. Even if McKinley classes were ridiculously easy compared to Dalton, even at the AP level, he knew that if his GPA dropped, his parents would yank him right out.

But once he had time to process what happened, he'd really have liked to be too fuzzy-headed to think.

Because thinking hurt too damn much.

He'd thought of Sebastian as being on friendly terms with him, even if he still came on strong and wasn't always polite to Kurt. But he thought of David, Nick, Jeff, Trent, Thad...all of the others except for the new students...they had been his friends. His good friends. The kind he could have turned to for whatever, whenever. But when he was on the ground, moaning in pain, terrified at what was happening to his eyes and face...they had all, every single one of them, turned away and left.

Every single one of the people he'd considered his friends.

He'd not kept a single friend from elementary school and had almost none from middle school and his first high school. His Sadie Hawkins date had been a casual friend. So really, before Kurt, his only friends were Warblers.

And once a Warbler, always a Warbler, right?

Except not.

The Warblers had internalized the code against bullying.

Except not.

Every single one of them knew just what a slushie would mean to Kurt.

And they went along with it.

He hated thinking it, but Kurt hadn't bonded with them as closely as he had, hadn't been there as long, so maybe he could kind of understand, if not empathize with or condone, their turning on Kurt.

But on him?

It hurt so much.

Looks like of all the friends he thought he had, he only had Kurt. And Kurt was going to graduate and leave for New York. He believed that NYADA would want him, even when Kurt didn't.

It'd be a pretty bad senior year, without any friends at all.

But he wasn't going to say any of this to Kurt when he came over. He wouldn't make Kurt feel guilty or anything like that.

Good thing the injury was to his eye. It would be easy to make Kurt think that was why the other eye was watering.

Finally, finally, Kurt came over after school ended. A bit suspiciously early, in fact, but since his last class was Spanish, he figured Kurt might have talked Mr. Schue into letting him leave.

Kurt couldn't even get into the bed for cuddling--he had to keep his head as straight as he could or wear a full brace to keep his head straight.

When he looked at Kurt, the love in his boyfriend's eyes almost made up for the pain. Maybe it was better off to find out that he had one good friend than to think he had a dozen who would turn on him--who would leave anybody screaming in pain on the ground.

And then Finn and Rachel walked in. They'd come to see him. They'd come to see him and to sing to him and to tell him in all those ways that they were his friends.

So maybe...maybe he'd just lost who he thought were his friends. But found the people who were his friends. That was even better.

Edited cuz I forgot to make it 1/1


Re: Fill: True/False 1/1 bananabat16 February 5 2012, 04:09:08 UTC
Thank you so much! This was great!


Re: Fill: True/False 1/1 hypercell February 5 2012, 23:14:43 UTC
This is AWESOME!!!


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