Fifth Prompt Post

May 10, 2011 23:21

Welcome to the Glee Angst Meme again! You know how these things work. You can come here and prompt your most angsty prompts, and write stories filling those angsty prompts to let our characters suffer ( Read more... )

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FILL: Part 2a (Kurt/Puck, Puck!abuse) jooseboxx August 14 2011, 20:41:17 UTC
As far as responsibility went, Puck wasn't exactly the sort to step up and take it. Being responsible was too much like effort or hardwork or 'doing the right thing' and Puck tended to avoid that on basic principle. But, if faced with it, Puck would have to step up and take responsibility for the no-strings sex with Kurt.

And the fact that he was having sex with Hummel was strange enough without adding in the fact that he's pretty sure he was the one who suggested it.

If he had to pin point when it started, and he's still not too sure of it, it might've been the week before the kiss. Britt and Tina had done some number, and they'd pulled Kurt into it and mid-way through, Puck found he was watching Hummel far more than he was Britt. And it wasn't as daunting as Puck would once have thought -a year ago and he would've freaked out, he knew that much. But it didn't really seem like such a big deal now.

But that started the week of wonder; or mild curiosity at least. Puck started to notice more, like the curve of Kurt's ass in those skin tight jeans, or just how soft the line of Kurt's lips looked -especially when he bit at them in concentration. The weirdest thing was probably the non-physical stuff the Puck started noticing though. Like when Kurt found something funny enough to laugh out loud, or when he and Mercedes were excited about some fashion thing, Kurt started using his hands in some pretty wild gestures, that he talked a mile a minute when nervous about something. It struck Puck as weird that he'd notice these things at all.

And then the kiss happened -and really, Puck had thought about it before, he'd thought about if he'd do it, or if Kurt would be the one to try it, if that would be what freaked him out or if something insane would happen from there. It didn't freak him out, and Puck's pretty sure he was the one that started it. He's not even too sure how they ended up in the auditorium alone anyway, just that they ended up there with the lights all dimmed from Rachel's latest explosion of self-involvement. Somewhere between the rest of the guys leaving and both of them leaving themselves, Puck ended up pushing Kurt up against the walkway barrier in the middle of the hall and just, well, kissing him.

Kurt's surprise should've been Puck's, instead it was just an opportunity to really try this whole kissing a dude thing out; getting his tongue in Kurt's mouth had seemed like a good idea, even if he would've expected Kurt to bite him on principle. But Kurt didn't, he just froze for a moment before going for it. The fact that Kurt pressed as close as possible, that Puck's hands held to those sharp, slight and utterly male hips, that just kissing Kurt was starting to turn Puck on, well, Puck wasn't really thinking too closely on any of it. Not when Kurt rocked forward and into Puck, not when Kurt moaned better than anything Santana did, not least when Kurt clung to him tightly and pushed as much need into the kiss as possible.

Later, after Kurt's pulled away and Puck's walked away and neither of them are all that sure what the hell they're doing, Puck takes to time to actually think about things. He kind of likes Hummel -in that he's not completely stuck up, he's got a dry sense of humour and one hell of a sharp tongue. Not to mention the kid has a fucking hot body and can make Puck's head foggy with just a kiss. So, maybe Puck more than 'kind of' like Kurt, it's not really the point. The point is that Puck wouldn't actually mind kissing Kurt some more, if Kurt's up for it. And Puck is strangely okay with that.


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