Discussion Post

May 10, 2011 23:19

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The Use of Language on the Angst Meme gammods May 18 2011, 09:59:30 UTC
Over the last few months, we have had a few private complaints from people offended by the use of particular words or phrases in prompts due to various connotations being applicable. As always, we welcome such comments and input, however it makes for a difficult situation to moderate as the prompt is technically within the Rules. Subsequently, any comment on the prompt post could be seen as calling-out/attacking a prompt, which would create a discussion that detracts from the spirit of the meme.

Therefore, we have decided to open up this discussion thread. If you feel that a particular phrase used in a prompt has different connotations to what the OP may mean, or are particularly offended by such wording, you can comment in this discussion thread and explain why you find such a phrase insensitive. We encourage polite discussion, and are happy for this thread to move into sociological discussions, if the fancy strikes.

However, there are a couple of catches with this to ensure all discussion keeps within the Community Rules.

* Please comment with a link to the prompt in concern on the Page-A-Mod post ONLY. This is to help the moderators locate the prompt and carry out the other side of the policy. You are not to contact the OP at all, whether it be in or outside of the meme.

* Please do not link to the prompt in concern or copy the prompt in your comment in the discussion thread. Your discussion is to be kept to the phrase in concern

* If you are quoting facts or "truths", give evidence to back it up. You can discuss your opinion, but have links on hand if you want to start discussing things in a factual manner.

* By commenting, you understand that polite discourse may happen and subsequently, your opinion may not always be agreed with. Don't use this thread as a venting place unless you are committed to discussing the subject politely.

For OPs in concern, we will locate your prompt and screen it if the phrase or word in concern is used in your prompt in a way that the mods feel is offensive. Please make contact with us and from there, we'll discuss what to do with your prompt.

So in summary, feel free to use this thread as a discussion about issues and phrases that may occur in the meme, but keep all discussion about the actual phrases in concern, and not about any specific prompts.


Comparisons teacandles June 13 2011, 03:45:40 UTC
We've had some feedback that a certain phrase often intended as comfort or to elaborate that love & concern is unconditional, comes across as potentially problematic. The comparison typically is that of LGBTQ individuals to animals or aliens, often said in the general form of I'd still love you if you are gay, straight or in love with an animal.

This kind of sentiment is usually meant a as gesture of comfort and a perception that the person saying it is open-minded to LGBTQ issues. However, in context of grouping parts of society, such as LGBTQ sexuality to the love of animals or aliens, something which is not seen as acceptable, this type of comment may come across as self-hating and inappropriate.

Therefore we are opening up a discussion-- when would the use of grouping LGBTQ to other groups of society be appropriate, and perhaps as problematic?


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