I hate this. If I get interrupted at almost any time of the night I can't get back to sleep. Last night the interruption was started by my eldest. I had almost gotten back to sleep when I thought I heard the doorbell. I got up rather startled. Turns out it must have been my brain playing tricks on me and I could not get back to sleep. I am tired now and about to go bed but Squishy will be waking up in about an hour at most.
What I hate is that this happens almost every night. It usually happens after about 5 hours and once my brain wakes up I can't turn it off. Even when I try to concentrate on one thing that relaxes me, I start to drift off and my brain immediately hops to another topic and I am up again.
I take my Effexor in the morning because it seems to make it harder to sleep. However, then I wake up with night sweats after very vivid dreams at least twice a night.
I will probably have to start taking it mid afternoon which is a very hard time to remember.
Maybe I will have to cut out the caffeine again. No more diet coke with lime. That makes me sad. Not "will-do-without-sleep" sad mind you.
My evening sugars have been really bad too, which makes me thirsty, which makes me drink water, which makes me get up to pee, but I am so tired that to get out of bed I have to wake up pretty thoroughly. Then when I get back I am sometimes tired enough but by then the sugars are up again and I am still thirsty and can't get back to sleep due to the dry mouth and brain hopping.
I am sure the last one is the real issue. I am making horrible decisions in the evening. Well, at least i know where to start.