ought-ten pt 1

Jan 03, 2010 01:08

I remember so little about myself 10 years ago. I was a ten years old boy. What depth could I have had. I think at that point, my 2 primary interests were pokemon and beanie babies. What could I have told myself then. From where I am, the last 10 years went pretty well. The Bucs won, The Sox won- TWICE! Kurt Warner is still awesome. Derek Jeter is still a a thorn. The only tip I'd give myself is Talk to Everyone. You're not gonna find your social circle in southeastern Connecticut. Let's try looking back on the last -five- years.

ITT: It's January 2005. Sox are Champions of the world and I'm back in Stonington High after an unsuccessful 3/4 of a year at a trade school, completely unsure what I'm going to do with my life, 8 months before finding KoL and never having done so much as kiss a girl.
*It doesn't matter that you took that Media Communications class just so you could duck out of first period 5 minutes early to set up the student news. You're gonna like it.
*Be nice to your 10th grade english teacher. You'll end up dating someone just like her in a few years. Don't worry it's cool. Trust me.
*Don't put any stock in anything you do socially. I can not stress how little it matters.
*Spend time with your old man, but try and convince him to get offa dialup.
*"I would have regret not doing it" is reason enough to do something.
*Girls like the hair. Maybe not -those- girls, but plenty of them do.
*Take a McSweeney class as quickly as you can. See if you can find a D&D group. I couldn't.
*Mix tapes are dead. CDs suck. Get an mp3 player.
*Social networking sites like myspace are the future. And more importantly, they're your future.
*Yes, there are women out there who like you.
*Yes, you are attractive.
*Before you even ask, yes. So very yes. And it's awesome.
*Pot sucks, booze is alright. You're not missing -that- much right now.
*Always back up your files.
*When Mr. Nadeau said 'you'll all be DEAD before the Red Sox win. And when they do, only then can you look me in the face and say HA!' Remind him of this quote every day until you graduate.
*Walk the track in gym class a few times. The gym dodgers are some of the more interesting people on campus.
*While you admire the hell out of Sara and think she's really cute, she's not what you're looking for in a girlfriend. Cara maybe.
*Stay in touch with Rebeckah Sullivan. She needs you.
*Talk to cousin Jimmy about movies some time. Get ahead of the game on that one.
*Grown ups > kids
*Get a job. Even if it's a shitty job. You'll be surprised how much money a week of working your ass off gets you.
*Go after Lindsay. She's not actually seeing anyone.
*Remember that band from Tiny Toon Adventures? Yeah you'll be hearing a lot more from them soon.
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