Movie Retrospect: 1/3

Jun 11, 2009 00:05

Okay some of you have asked what I thought of the films I've seen so far. Figured I'd do a brief summary after every 10 films. Here's the first 10:

1st: The Big Lebowski: Fucking hilarious. Definitely worth seeing. Didn't really like how it just ended like that, but oh well. The journey was great even if the destination was not. 2/2
2nd: Reservoir Dogs: Another big winner. Loved the characters, loved the story, didn't even mind the fractured chronology. I kinda wanna go and just watch this one again. 3/2
3rd: Pulp Fiction: I'm watching this one again come July 1st. God damn that was satisfying. 3/2
4th: Kentucky Fried Movie: Definitely had its moments, but probably didn't belong on this list. Really, I only put it here cause it had been sitting on my desktop for about 2 months. 1/2
5th: The Goonies:  I have this throbbing hardon for Rube Goldberg devices. So yeah. 2/2
6th: The Usual Suspects: Maybe I was just distracted that night, but this movie didn't really grab me the way the previous ones did. It had the same fractured chronology Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs had, but the characters didn't captivate me the same way. The ending was still pretty awesome though. 1/2
7th: Fight Club: I'm not really sure what I can say about this. It was fucked up, but in the "holy shit dude did you see that!" way. 3/2
8th: Goodfellas: First half was great, second half was very good. The acting got a bit more unrealistic as the film went on. Still a classic. 2/2
9th: Oceans 11: Overall good movie. Not sure if I'd call it -great-. Also, Don Cheadle's character just reminded me of the Demoman from Team Fortress 2. 1/2
10th: The Matrix: Great concept, mediocre execution. Neo never should have left the Wyld Stallyns. 1/2

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