glebs and the terrible horrible no good very bad month

Nov 02, 2008 00:51

So October of 2008 has been less than stellar. Let's recap a little.

*My oldest cousin Brendan got married so my mom and I flew out to San Diego to see it. On my dollar of course. Usually I'm pretty good about tracking down low-priced airfare, but for some reason, I had purchased two tickets on Continental for $360. Each. Granted mom's almost completely paid me back for all that, but that was still over 700 bucks out of me at once. At least I have a job and can make that back in a few weeks.
*Oh wait! Because of the two cross country trips I had taken (Con 5 and the wedding) I found myself the low man on the totem pole at work. So I was the next seasonal casualty. Our town is fairly tourist-heavy so when the cold weather hits, things dry up quickly around here. And having the ocean-side patio for dining isn't a draw when it's 40 degrees. So I'm currently jobless and very low on cash. But I can hold out for a few months. Cause soon I'll be back in college...
*What do you mean the money's gone?! Yeah. My dad hasn't had a job since I hit puberty. Fortunately, he worked his ass off when he was young and invested his money smartly in the market....But that money's gone now thanks to the market. Along with all of my college fund. Turns out my Grandmother also lost some rather hefty amounts in the market. So the money thing goes beyond "Oh shit, I'm gonna have to find college money somewhere else." It also has strong traces of "Oh shit, my family's financially ruined." Throw in that my dad had an anxiety attack on the way home from Grandma's. He said it was a driving at night thing mixed in with the shock that he's lost the shirt off his back. I'm rapidly watching him crash to earth before my very eyes. Well, I may not have as clear a future as I did, but I've still got my earthly possessions...
* OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE! My laptop started acting up on me. But it made it through Halloween, so hopefully it's nothing too critical. Luckily I'm still under warranty!
*And here's the frosting on the cake. Someone has been billing my checking account under Looks like I'm the victim of fraud! I called bank of america and got my 40 bucks back. And hey. You douchecocks in Spain that were taking my money. Fuck you. Fuck you to Spaniard hell.

Y'know. Angsty teenage bitching aside (Hey, only a few more months of that. Then I can switch to angsty early-twenties bitching.), one area of my life has not gone straight to shit. Quite the contrary. Since con, I've been together with Keisha and I'm really enjoying our relationship together. She's even gone as far as to fly me out there for an early Christmas present to herself. I'm excited and can't wait for December. I never thought I could end up in a Poly relationship without freaking out and acting overly clingy. But I'm handling it pretty well so far. Not only that, but I now have more than one woman interested in me. Yet another thing high school did nothing to prepare me for. We shall see where this goes. Onward to sexy adventure!

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