There, that wasn't so bad. I completed my final by the Grace of God alone! Literally, I accidentally arrived at the test site at the exact time that the final was ending. Oops! I've been wrong before, but this was certainly a predicament because I would not be able to take the test in the evening. The teacher graciously allowed me to take the test at that very moment, and I did fairly well. Also, I turned in a report on a book written by our teacher call, "Spreading Your Global Wings". The Author is Pastor Thomas Schaller, and it is a stupendous book that inspires & motivates, and blesses.
I have decided to show my report, so anyone reading can get an idea of what one may glean from this book.
"Spreading Your Global Wings":
I begin by praising God for His testimonies, which are my delight and my counselors. Dr. Schaller has written a blessing to us all, thru the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. In the preface, I love getting the overview of the tremendous work that God has done in Finland and Poland, thru Dr. Schaller, and the divinely motivated individuals that have participated together with our World Outreach Missions Vision under Dr. Stevens. Very beautiful, very fruitful, and very important is the Body of Christ in that country, and in the world.
Chapter 1 & 2 really, really are very edifying by way of pointing out the basic requirements for pursuing the call to missions. Basically, faith and availability are what one needs. I am glad to read the examples of account where God has used the simple, and weak to do great exploits regarding church planting and making disciples, and spiritually reproducing the life of Christ in others. God uses many kinds of spiritual service, including prayer, monetary giving, opening up one’s home for visitors & orphans & missionaries, traveling by foot & bicycle & moped to numerous churches on edification investment, and just making disciples thru being diligent to communicate the gospel to those people whose lives our own lives touch in any way. I love the idea of adopting an orphan, yet I know that my financial status would definitely not allow for it right now. Nevertheless, I continue to pursue the call of God, and to function in my believer priesthood with the examples of diligent discipleship, and fervent charity, and worldwide missions motives. I even believe that God can do great things thru the music ministry in which I currently participate. It is true, as stated in the text, that we don’t know the greatness and full fruit of the works of faith and investments of love that are ministered thru us until the Lord will reveal it. We don’t have any idea what the greatness of our own participation until we turn a corner, and fruit is abounding from where we last walked with God, and spoke to others out of a concern for their growth in the grace and knowledge of Christ.
(Rest of this paper is on the next journal entry)
Certainly IS getting close to Chistmas, and I cartainly don't have a penny to spare! Ha ha. In any case, I am selling my motorcycle to pay for my AFrica missions trip expenses, and to pay back my boss who lent me a few hundred dollars. If you would like to see the bike, here is a link : It appears as "Sold" , but actually the motorcycle did not sell. This buyer didnt take it, and I am very thankful, because I spent about $3000. on it this summer, just buying it and doing repairs to bring it up-to-par (by professionals).
Please, consider buying a CD from our "MBC&S Ensemble", aswell, because these proceeds are going directly to paying for the expenses related to getting over to Ghana this January. (For those that don't know it, MBC&S means (Maryland Bible College & Seminary).
So, drop a note if you are interestedd in any of these things, or if you would like to make a donation or support the ensemble in aome way. We will be most thankful to the Lord!
Love you,