So Chris and I's two year anniversary came and went, but instead of doing the usual buy each other a gift thing, we decided to pool our money together and take a little day trip to the Kootney's. So we did. We left super early (5:00am!) on Saturday and got home at around 10:30 in the evening.
The drive was beautiful. We saw about 17 deer on the drive (being as we drove at dawn and at night), a squirrel, some mice and a whole shite load of Ospreys just chilling on a few trees. I saw something that looked suspiciously like a cougar (A brown ass with a long tail), but I don't think it was. We drove 11km up a mountain to see one of the most incredible views I've ever seen. The pictures I will attach don't do it justice at all. Ainsworth Hot Springs were warm and very relaxing, and we even got little souvenir bags. It was neat being back in the Kootneys as I haven't been back in 10 years. Kaslo is still a cute little town and JB's still makes the best fries in the world. I'd love to go back there and camp, it was simply marvelous. We stopped in crappy little Castlegar for some fantastic greek food as well. Tried some Kootney beer, but all that was is Kokanee with a couple extra spices in it. Not very impressive. But it was an excellent day, and a well-needed getaway from school, work and all the other bullshit.
The incredible view from the Bucannan Lookout.
Pretty snowy mountains.
Chris and I at the lookout.
I'm on top of the world!