today - gabriel = great.

Aug 04, 2004 20:45

today was my LAST day of babysitting, thank GOD! gabriel was so awful today. he attempted to lick me again...he licked me yesterday. it was HORRIBLE. and he kept just doing awful things then i would yell and tell him no and he would run around screaming "I DO WHATEVER I WANNA DO WHENEVER I WANNA DO IT YOU CANT STOP ME!" and to think i only got paid 25 bucks for enduring 9 hours a day with this little terror. jeez. we took him with us when we went to get my schedule. sarah's is wrong so she has to fix it so that sucks. i was on the phone with her basically all day. here is my schedule:

Eng 2 Hon-Eggen (I have that with diana)
French 1-Fitchette (no one that I know of yet)
Chem 1 Hon-Malicki (BECKY AND BETHANY! and some girl named amanda that i dont know! however i will probably force her to be my friend ;) ha just kidding)
Drivers Ed-Richard/Ind Dual Sports 2-Chip! (hopefully sarah soon! she has to change it!)
Alg 2 Hon-Morgan (alex and michelle!!!)
World His Hon-Smith (sarah and diana and kara!)

at fleming i only saw like two of my friends and they were natalie and lyndsie. i went back to gabe's house and finished babysitting him. then when my mom picked me up i had her take me to planet smoothie and guess who i saw there...just guess...BRIAN! we talked a little bit and he let me skip him because i was in a rush and he wasnt. luckily the girl took a long time though so we got to talk. then after i left we had to go to the bank and i saw caitlin there (i'm not sure of her last name but she was in my biology class)!!! i didnt talk to her though because i was on the phone and i did the pinkie-elbow wave. you may be familiar with that. then i went to sarah's for a little bit before violin. violin was so fun...i hadn't seen kyle in over two weeks so we missed each other a lot. he's like "you cant ever do that to me again!" haha. ella (his baby) was there! she's adorable. so i was telling him about the little devil of a child i babysat and i had him tell me how much he would pay me before i told him how much she payed me. and hes like "hmm...9 hours each day...your last week of summer...i'd say at least $50." wtf mate! i made HALF of that. so i'm just going to babysit for kyle now. i was there for over an hour and a half. we were just kinda hangin' out talking a lot. it was great fun. now i'm home! now i'm going to go ask people their schedules though because i'm a big dork like that.
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