shopping with sarah.

Jul 28, 2004 19:36

well last night i talked to becky on the phone for a while. good news, she did NOT fall asleep on the phone...BIG improvement. this morning i woke up at 8:00 to go shopping and then we left the house around 9:00 after sarah and her mom and kristen got here. we stopped by hardees for breakfast on the way and we went through the drivethru and it was SO funny because we were ordering a lot of stuff and like halfway through the lady goes "ooooh my!" it was hilarious how she said it. sarah and i were in TEARS laughing. then i dont really remember anything else that happened on the way there. in the first store we went in, bealls outlet, we were trying on hideous shoes. that was lots of fun. then we went to the bra store and i got bras...go figure. while we were in there sarah tried to teach me the dance/song from "life size." it is a disney movie and it has LINDSAY LOHAN in it. then we went to styles, i think. there were these really funny guys in there with their mom and sister, i guess. anyway the girl was trying on all of these clothes and her mom was trying to talk her out of them and the guys were like "hey its her body she can do what she wants with it!" it was so funny. then she was like "idk about these pants when bend over i get a major wedgie" and they said "i think anyone who bent over in those would get a wedgie in any capacity." then she was complaining because pants didnt have pockets and the guys said "what could you possibly need pockets for? you carry a purse everywhere." it was really funny. then we went to some shoe store, and aero. i got somethings from aero but not much happened in that store. sarah started this "matching" obsession. after that we went to the limited too and i got a pair of shoes and the 13 going on 30 soundtrack...KICK BUTT songs! almost all 80s songs!!! after that i believe we left and went to the other outlets across the street. we started off by going to this one store where like everything is half off. i dont really like that store but whatever. sarah and kristen and i all sat on the floor in the dressing room and compared our length of our legs. we couldnt tell so we had this lady that we knew that we saw there determine who had the longest legs. she said we were all pretty close and i dont remember who won. then kathy (sarah's mom) got down on the floor to did my mom. it was funny because there were like 5 of us lined up on the floor in the dressing rooms. the employees were giving us strange looks but we were having a grand ol' time. after that store we went to this nifty little store...i think. now i'm really drawing a blank as to where we went next, i think we went to get food. while we were getting pizza (sbarro) a bag of trash fell off of the little cart thing and spilled EVERYWHERE. i felt so bad for the little cleaner guy. i wanted to help him but it was gross garbage. i saw diana!!! that was so exciting! it was cool. then we went to disney and danskin...i think, i really dont remember. then we went to pacsun and i almost made sarah cry. i felt reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally bad. hopefully she'll be okay though. it was our first little...well i dont think i'd call it an argument but i hurt her feelings and i feel bad. i kept making her laugh though so she couldnt cry because she was laughing at me even though i was the one making her cry...kinda cool lol but not really at all. it's kind of a long story so i'm not going to get into it. so yeah i feel bad. anyway we went to styles and sarah got a pretty skirt and then we were on a search for a shirt to match and that took quite a while. but the last store we were in was a great place. you see, i was really sick of standing so i sat on the floor and guess what song comes on! "on the way down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" it was the first time i had ever heard it in public and i was so incredibly happy to hear it and happy for ryan that i started to cry. it was a great moment. sarah thought i was pathetic but it was so wonderful. then we left the outlets and we were SUPPOSED to go to mcdonald's so i was all excited looking forward to getting a triple thick milkshake. but we ended up going to DAIRY QUEEN. i was very disappointed because i remembered becky got one from there one time and it SUCKED so i ended up getting a blizzard. then on the way home nothing really happened. we listened to "jessie's girl" a ton. that's such a great song. when we got to my house sarah didnt stay for long. poo. after she left i talked to becky on the phone for a little bit and she wanted me to come over and spend the night but my mom said no and so did her mom so that really sucks. so tonight i just talked online and watched ashlee (YAY) and played a game with nate...he beat me by a TON of points. "aww i never win anything" hahahaha sarah and becky. you guys are evil rootbeer people and i hate your rootbeer guts. anyway, i'm off to go dry my hair. OH YEAH...I HAVE THE SAME BIRTHDAY AS RYAN CABRERA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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