
Jun 30, 2004 21:19

today was awesome, but i'll start with last night. i went to sarah's and their internet is broken so i couldnt get online at all the entire time i was there. bummer. so we played this really stupid card game called split. i lost, of course. when have i ever won a game? sarah had a score of like 275, kristen had 115, and i had....65. pathetic! then we watched "secret window" and it was okay. i wouldnt watch it again. then we went to bed at like 11 because we had to wake up at 8 freakin a.m. for spiderman. i couldnt fall asleep...too busy thinking about things. so then today we woke up early and ivy came and got us around 9:15. she was all dressed up in her spiderman costume, it was GREAT. when we were standing outside the theatre waiting to be let in, this mom and the little boy came up to her and said "can we get a picture?" it was hilarious. and all of these people were staring and pointing at her. the movie itself was awesome too. afterwards i saw michelle!!! i swear that girl lives at the movies because i ALWAYS see her there...okay, twice...but who's counting? oh, and this little boy came up to ivy and said "you saved MJ very well." hahaha. michelle said when she first saw ivy (not knowing it was ivy) she thought "oh my gosh what a loser!" haha it's so funny. anyway, ivy took us back to sarah's. me and sarah took bernie for a walk and walked to becky's to cool down then we went back out and braved the heat. when we got back to the house we went swimming and it was a lot of fun. we sang 80s songs and more songs at the top of our lungs. it just now occured to me that the neighbors could probably hear us. then i took a shower and i didnt blow dry my hair so it got all curly. it looks mighty pretty, if i do say so myself. then we watched part of pirates of the carribean...i havent seen all of it yet. everyone swears its like the greatest movie on earth and i dont really see whats so spectacular. after that i went to violin for an hour, wahoo. i got to check my email there haha. he's one of the coolest guys, i swear. he was like cussing up a storm then hes like "oh sh*t, i hope no one's at the door!" haha hes so funny. anyway then i back went to sarah's and just hung around til i got home at about 9:30. oh yeah, on the way out to the car from sarah's front door (which is about 30 feet) i got SOAKED. it started pouring out of nowhere! anyway, i'm home now and the satellite is all screwed up from the rain so i cant watch newlyweds. i'm dying! i am going to go try to fix it now.
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