mike: mexico is like las vegas but more dirty and ghetto and for younger people
it's official: i have been to mexico
yes, i left america yesterday
at around 5:00pm yesterday, we (adam, kyle and mike) got pretty damn bored, so we went to baskin robbin's and headed to mexico...it was about an hour or so drive...we decided to park right outside the border and then just walk across...we first parked on federal property...we noticed a giant wall in front of us...we assumed on the other side was mexico...we got out of the car and this random police guy came up to us and this is the convo that went down:
fed: are you lost?
us: (long pause)
adam: um, kind of
fed: are you feds?
us: (long pause)
adam: no
fed: then you can't park here...(then looking at the wall) plus, they throw rocks
HOLY SHIT best...line...ever...the whole trip was worth it just for that...we almost died when we got back in the car...we then found a place to park for free...already, everything was quite sketchy...we started walking and we finally got to the border...i eventually got a camera (i forgot mine in my dorm, so i bought a disposable one in a mexican pharmacy) so i'll have pics later...we basically just walked around, got offered a lot of free tequilla (and massages "for the ladies" haha), ate some kick ass tacos, had a guy sing us a song in spanish, walked around some more, saw some random guy with a ski mask on (fuckin...creepy as hell), walked around some more, got a shot glass from adam (hehe), and then went home...we basically spent a couple hours there...and it was surprsingly easy to get across the border...we didn't even have to show IDs...weird...we were home by 10pm haha
p.s. watched dogma after...i loved it...yes, hilarious and ridiculous, but it had some really meaningful messages in it
Bartleby: ...I had an epiphany. See, in the beginning, it was just us and Him. Angels and God.
Loki: Uh huh
Bartleby: Then he created humans. Ours was designed to be a life of servitude and worship... and bowing and scraping and adoration. He gave them more than He ever gave us. He gave them a choice. They choose to acknowledge God, or choose to ignore him. All this time we've been down here, I've felt the absence of the Divine presence. And it's pained me... As I'm sure it must have pained you. And why? Because of the way he made us. Had we been given free will, we could choose to ignore the pain. Like they do. But no! We're servants!
Loki: Okay... You know, all I'm sayin' here, is one of us might need a little nap.
Bartleby: Wake up! These humans have besmirched everything He's bestowed upon them. They were given Paradise - they threw it away. They were given this planet - they destroyed it. They were favored best among all His endeavors, and some of them don't even believe he exists. And in spite of it all... He hath shown them infinite fucking patience at every turn. What about us? I asked you... Once, to lay down the sword, because I felt sorry for them. What was the result? Our expulsion from Paradise! Where was his infinite fucking patience then? It's not right! It's not fair! We've paid our debt. Don't you think it's time... Don't you think it's time we went home?