Oct 22, 2012 19:04
Well, guess I have tonsillitis. I feel weird calling it that because I suggested it to the doctor and he said "sounds good" so I feel like I didn't get the official diagnosis in an official response.
yeah, so Ive had this sensation in the back of my throat like I've had a popcorn kernel stuck on the back of my tongue for several days.
yesterday I finally looked and discovered a canal in my throat I didn't even know existed and puss was coming out of it. Its not painful and I have not been sick, I've just had that annoying sensation on the back of my tongue.
so yeah, after poking around back there and making my tonsils pop like a zit and thoroughly grossing myself out, I got out of work early and went to the doctor today.
got some antibiotics so now Im poking at it for fun and now its getting sore lulz...its nasty as all get out but its pretty impressive the amount of puss thats hanging out back there in a place I didn't know I had.