6 hours left to vote for ME/CFS research and other neuroimmune illnesses

May 25, 2011 23:24

Just a reminder if you havent voted yet for the WPI...

We are in twelfth place and still dropping (the WPI) - currently entitled to $40000. We are risking losing the money at all. Please tell everyone you know to vote. It only takes two ticks and there is 6 hours left. Imagine what could be done with the money.

The WPI research into other illnesses like autism and fibromyalgia.

Instructions here: http://bit.ly/mCvKVM

Edit - ME/CFS stands for an illness known as either Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or Chronic Fatigue syndrome. It is sometimes also defined as CFIDS, (Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome.) It is a chronic neurological illness effect approx $40 million worldwide. It it is extremely debilitating. Severe sufferers are blind, in severe pain, having seizures, sensitive to touch, sound, and light, unable to speak, paralysed, suffering severe mental and cognitive deficits, and symptoms of the flu. It is an underfunded illness with associated stigma because unless a sufferer is severely ill others cannot always see that the patient is ill because the illness can be invisible. Overdoing it mentally or physically will cause a relapse and the patient will spend days to years to recover. Unless the have a progressive illness from which they never recover. A full symptom list can be found here http://www.hfme.org/mesymptoms.htm

Triggers include trauma, infection , vaccination, pregnancy, and many more.

Causes include infections, heavy metal or pesticide poisonings, and malnutrition. Some studies link the illness to a retrovirus known as XRMV.

A good awareness video about ME/CFS can be found here

The WPI stands for the Whittemore Peterson Institute, a charity in Nevada. http://www.wpinstitute.org/ They are funding research into ME/CFS and other neuroimmune illnesses like fibromyalgia, autism, and gulf war syndrome. They are particularly interested in XMRV.

Thank you.

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