Alix Olson
--a red-hot, fire-bellied, feminismo-spewin' volcano. Plus she rhymes.
Live at Webster University
in the University Center Sunnen Lounge
(175 Edgar Road, 63119)
WEDNESDAY Nov 8th. (7:30 doors) 8:00 PM
with special guest artist: Summer Osborne
$3 for non-webster-students
refreshments provided
Sponsored by:
Webster University's Students for Gender Equality, Anti-War Society, SGA, LGBTQ Alliance, Women in the Media, AES
"The world provides the poetry, we just assemble its arrival" "see, I’ve seen armies
seen ‘em on picket lines, welfare lines,
seen ‘em storming the Capitol,
storming the streets,
demanding justice and peace.
I’ve heard of armies in history
in Birmingham, in Montgomerey.
but these dressed-to-kill boys
with their made-to-kill toys
these yellow ribbons that choke trees, please,
it’s a joke,
a sadistic display of militaristic play that ends in
american dreams for the owners of both teams--
and who suffers? who buffers the attack?
who lacks the cash to decline the invitation
to the nation’s most expensive party?
those hearty boys promised schooling,
then sent on their way
to collect their pay from the grave?
well, this gay don’t mind being war-depraved"
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