at the behest of our new moderator, here is an introductory post from i,
datura. aloha queers of St. Louis. what a delight to be a member of this community, where one may mingle and commiserate with other GLTB folk stuck in this vast shithole of a city.
i personally have had the unfortunate luck to reside in St. Louis for about half of my life, though dividing nearly down the middle by an even more unpleasant 10-year run in North Carolina. currently, home is O'Fallon, because for my family, St. Charles was simply not suburban and hickish enough.
my hobbies include Livejournal and politics, to such an obsessive extent that my need for additional hobbies is pretty much vanquished. i like to think of myself as the left-wing Ann Coulter, though admittedly not as skanky.
at this time in the introduction, i always make it a point to explain that if you do not listen to the Dresden Dolls, you should, because they are, in scientifically proven fact, the best band that has ever existed. i do this as a public service, because not liking them is a serious crime against good taste.
so now you probably know more about me than you would ever care to. goodbye,