Trans Jew Anthology: Call for Submissions

Jun 12, 2005 07:04

Trans Jew Anthology: Call for Submissions

SUMMARY: Trans Jews Anthology (working title) submissions are requested, consisting of Trans Jew's personal experiences, and religious materials of relevance to Trans Jews. The readers will be informed popular audiences, academics, and religious professionals. Intended publication is simultaneously in English and Hebrew. The publication may be in paper, web, or web-only format.


1ST PERSON ACCOUNTS: Must be non-fiction, first hand stories, autobiographies and biographies of, and about, Female to Male (FTM), Male to Female (MTF), GenderQueer (GQ), Crossdresser (CD), Passing Women, and other gender non-conformist Jews, or by their SOFFAs (Significant Other, Family, Friends & Allies), or religious participants with Trans Jews. No opinion pieces, or styles other than prose, will be accepted.

Material from outside North America is highly encouraged!

CULTURAL/RELIGIOUS MATERIALS: Emphasized attention will be given to Halakha, Minhag and historic or current Responsa and documentation about Trans Jewish topics (which may include material on what is currently termed intersexuality). The Jewish cultural material may be of any length, and the original sources MUST be included. Citations or photocopies/scans with full attributions, such as author, posek, Bet Din, publishing date or publisher, archive or other pertinent information must be included.

FORMAT: Biographies or stories must be of 1000 words or less, and may be edited as necessary by the anthology compiler. Anonymity, pseudonyms, or internet handles/nicknames are respected.

LANGUAGES: Materials will be accepted in English, Hebrew (preferred), German, Russian, Yiddish, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Ladino (Judismo). Arabic, Judeo-Arabic and Turkish materials should be accompanied with an English translation if possible.

SUBMISSION FORMATS: are paper mail, e-mail, pdf, html, doc, txt and rtf. Anonymity will be respected if requested, but photos and portraits (jpg, gif, pdf or tif) are desired when possible. Please do not send any original photos or materials in the mail. Paper manuscripts will be accepted but not returned.

DUE BY: Hannukah of 5767 (December 15th 2006).
Halakha, Minhag, Responsa and other Jewish cultural material may be accepted after that date with notification to the Editor.

COMPENSATION: Unfortunately, no compensation except reversion of copyrights and one review copy (or downloads) of the final document will be provided to the contributors.

Please send all materials and requests for more information (in English, Spanish or Hebrew) to:

Trans Jews Anthology

1122 East Pike Street #1188
Seattle, Washington
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