Country life

Jan 26, 2015 19:11

It’s difficult to write even in English these days. Ukrainian language would be more appropriate to identify my attitude to what is happening in the countries of my previous residences (Russia and Ukraine) now. Unfortunately I am not much experienced in Ukrainian and will continue in English therefore. I feel myself uncomfortable and guilty knowing well that there is no my fault in all these events. But this feeling doesn’t produce desire to show my illustrations to the Lulu Island life which is so contrast to the life on the opposite side of the earth. Do not know why but I remembered what I wrote more than ten years ago as a conclusion to my Missilemen story. Maybe I will quote this later under cut. But the major thought was simple: there is something that doesn’t allow Russians to live normal life in Russia. There were other thoughts related to this one, but I had no idea that the future, which is today, would be so terrible. It’s some kind of depression I have as a result of all this stuff. After some doubts and thoughts what to do with my blue mood I decided to publish what I got by my camera last two day as an internal protest to bad news from fascist Russia. My antidepressant is below :)

Biking is a usual and very popular pastime even in January:

Cyclists are everywhere, behind the window for example:

Bike traffic on Sturgeon Banks with the view to snowy (not really yet or still) Cypress:

The spring is here two weeks early than usually due to two digits temperature last few days:

There will be even more of the snowdrops here soon:

I like these ones:

One of my business objects (structural upgrade and FAR/TC certification) is moored at the Middle Arm terminal:

The Sturgeon Banks are not far from this terminal, just cross the river and go south. Coyotes live here. One of them is hunting for mice:

Checking if I am dangerous:

But I am not and the beast has continued hunting:

There are other mouse lovers in our neighbourhood, a Peregrine Falcon in a clutter of willow branches:

Hedgehop fly-by:

Hovering, ready to strike:

Birding is an interesting pastime and popular here too but it’s time for me to return to the village. People are not in a hurry here:

Another leisured representative of local fauna:

Inside a coffee shop:

And outside:

Friends on the mission:

Tasty cheesecake:

Coffee to go:

On a narrow street:

Preparation for a genre shooting:

Starlings flew back:

Looks like enough, it’s easy a little bit. I am going to learn not to watch the news :)

ukraine, coyote, flowers, snowdrops, bird, westcoast life, aviation, spring, national identity, delta, falcon, biking, garry point park

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